Bite me ;)

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I stared out the window, refusing to speak to my parents. They had crossed the line, sending me away. I wasn’t even being that bad. I mean yes, military school expelled me, I had to get two abortions and I was constantly running away but hey, everyone makes mistakes right?

The sky was a light pink on the horizon, yet it was raining on the windows as we started pulling into the airport. I smiled, thinking about flying in a plane while it was raining.

“Laura,” my dad started, “you know we are going to miss you but you will be able to come back in a year."

I replied by opening and slamming my door, walking out by myself into the airport, pulling my hoodie on, and walking at a fast pace that kept distance away from me and my parents.

"Laura wait," my mom shouted to me.

I kept walking. I could care less about what she had to say. She was most likely going to tell me I had to get my luggage anyway, and no way would I be doing that.

How could they do this to me? Aunt Connie would never let me just get expelled, she would work something out with the principle. And I hate private schools, but I will find a way to where the school won’t want me back.

A person in uniform greeted me, and I just shoved past him, swinging the see through doors open and hearing a big bang behind me. I took a seat in the waiting area, waiting for my parents.

I pulled out my phone, checking my messages. One of my boyfriends texted me. I sighed, rolling my eyes.

I didn’t even like Raymond, but hey he was popular and I needed to keep up my reputation at my school as a popular, so I have been going out with him for two months.

But that didn’t mean I didn’t have other boyfriends.

I actually had three boyfriends. Raymond, Charlie and Rob. Charlie and Rob went to different schools, so it was easy to keep it from other people.

"Baby is you sure you have to leave? I'm going to miss you. When will you be back?" the message said.

Rolling my eyes and smirking, I replied back.

"I have no idea when I will be back, and that is so sweet of you baby! <3" I laughed, not meaning any of it. I play people, yes. But it is so I don’t get all love struck and hurt when they dump me like trash.

Just like I was going to have to do with all my boyfriends. They are old, and they won’t be living in the same place as me anymore. I may keep Raymond, because I would still need a hot boyfriend for when I came back.

I saw my family look at me with sad eyes, not wanting me to go. But actually, I wanted to go. I could do more things; meet more people, sneak out more and party. Maybe this would be fun. I would make it fun, and call them saying I loved Aunt Connie more than them and it would break their little hearts.

Good. They deserved it. I got up and went outside, my dad giving me a disapproving look. He must know what I was about to do.

I went behind the building where there was nothing, or know body. Then I pulled out my happiness from my jean pocket. I held it in my hand while I got out my lighter, pulling the dial and watching flame come out of the end.

I put the flame up against the paper and instantly white smoke poured out and I put it to my mouth, inhaling and swallowing, then breathing it out of my nose.

A sudden sensation overtook me and I no longer cared about anything in the world. I had this wonderful feeling that I could do anything, be anyone. I was high.

I took more puffs until there was nothing left and got out my eyes drops, watching my eyes in a mirror until they were normal again.

I turned around and my face crashed into my dad’s chest.

“Laura,” my dad hissed, “Must you do this here? Is it that important to you?”

He snatched the equipment out of my hands, throwing it in his pocket. I rolled my eyes. I couldn’t care less.

“Who cares? You’re carting me off anyways,” I said, letting my voice trail off.

My dad looked towards the airplanes, then back at our black Nissan. Then he looked at me, frowning.

“Don’t give me that, now get back inside and get on that plane, and when you come back you better be as sharp as a tack,” dad said as he walked away from me.

I laughed, rushing past my dad and pulling my headphones in, even though I wasn’t planning on listening to music at the moment, I just wanted people to shut the hell up and leave me alone.

I spotted my mom in line, holding my little sister Jamie’s hand. They were two people away from getting me a ticket to the plane. I went and stood next to them, looking at the different flights.

I felt something tiny grab my hand and rest against my knee. I looked down and saw Jamie’s face looking up at me through tears. I scowled, picking her up. She pulled out one of my ear phones; her warm breath was against my ear.

“Do you have to leave Laura? Who will play dress up and dollies with me?”

I sighed, looking at her innocent face. I hope she never would turn out like me. I had no future ahead of me, but Jamie did.

“It’s ok; I’ll be back soon ok? I promise,” I replied back in a husky voice. You could tell I was about to cry.

I hated my family but I loved my little sister, and it broke my heart to see her like this.

“Next!” the ticket master barked. Me and my mom exchanged glances as she stepped up, blocking out my face.

It was almost as if she wanted me to go. That bitch.

“Yes one ticket to Washington Forks,” my mom said without emotion.

“Adult or child?”


The ticket lady pulled on a drawer and came back up with one blue ticket. My mom handed her the money through the slot and we walked away towards the luggage rummager.

My dad joined us and placed my luggage on the belt and I watched as it went farther and farther away from me.  I put Jamie down and gave her a kiss.

“By baby, now you be good for me ok?” I asked her, looking into her warm brown eyes.

She nodded her head, her curls bouncing like a halo around her head. She really did look like an angel with her blond hair.

I hugged my mom and dad, and went off to the security guards, leaving them behind without a final word.

“Hold out your arms please,” the man in uniform began, “You don’t have any drugs or weapons on you do you?” he asked me, and giving me the coldest stare I had ever had in my life.

“No sir.”

“You may go. Your plane is the one by hanger six.”

I nodded and walked over to the big line of people boarding the plane.

I pulled out my headphones as they ripped half of my ticket off and sat down in the back, rolling my seat down. Not Fragile by Christina Grimmie started playing and my eyes slowly began to close, and I fell asleep.

This is dedicated to VampireDiariesGirl because well, hey she is awesome and we are Co- Wriitting this book together! If you have any good ideas and would like to share, please comment, we would love to hear them! :)

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