Four's Company

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This OneShot was written for @SwordOfPeace

This Story Is written in the Perspective Of No One it is in 3rd Person and will contain the thoughts off ALL the couples.

This. Was not the Saturday Bakugou had in mind, the only reason he agreed to hang out with his annoying classmates was because his boyfriend was so hyped about the idea of having a—"quadruple" date. What ever the loving fuck that was. Going out with three other couples seemed absolutely exhausting to Bakugou, but he did it for his Kiri's sake.

Kirishima knew this wasn't Bakugou's "scene". He knew how much his boyfriend disliked... almost everything... but he himself had promised to go on a double date with his friend Kaminari... But then Momo spoke with Jirou, and the they planned a date and when it turned into a triple date, everyone heard about Midoriya and Uraraka getting together—and Kaminari invited them along. It would be rude to cancel so late.

Bakugou huffed annoyed as Kirishima let out a tired sigh. They rode the train to the plaza to meet their friends.

"I'm sorry, I know this isn't your thing." Kirishima looked down. Bakugou peered over to see him and his disappointed in himself gaze. Bakugou really disliked that face.

"It's fine." He muttered. Kirishima smiled at his comment and placed a small sweet kiss on his lips. Bakugou slightly smiled into the kiss before kissing him back.

They pulled away and smiled slightly at one another. "I love you," Kirishima reminded him. Bakugou blushes slightly at the sudden declaration.

"I love you, too," Bakugou replied looking away.


"This whole situation is so weird." Jirou commented. She and her boyfriend Kaminari walked to the plaza. They had arrived earlier. "What started as a double date—turned freaking triple, then quadruple—that's sort of freaky."

"It would probably be a double date if you told me you were gonna ask Momo if she wanted to go on a double date." Kaminari muttered. Jirou glared at him.

"I did!" She replied. "We agreed that I would decide what couple! Then you went and asked Kiri and Bakugou!" Jirou huffed.

"I..." Kaminari thought. "I didn't think you'd actually find someone!" Jirou's eyes widen. She had a furious gaze.

"And why is that? We agreed and that ultimately means I already have an idea. If I didn't I would have told you!" Jirou raised her voice. Kaminari thought for a second.

"What do you mean ultimately? This isn't ultimate!" Jirou huffed annoyed at her idiot boyfriend.

"I swear, Kami you're so stupid. I have no idea as to why I love you so much!" Jirou continued to glare at him. Kaminari stopped and began to grin. "What? What are you smiling at!?" Jirou angrily asked.

"You just said you loved me." He giggled. Jirou's face dropped and a blush of pure realization began to form.

"A-Ah." Jirou's heart began pulsating. "I... When... N-No!" She looked away.

"Oh, don't be shy. I luv you chu!" Kaminari jumped into Jirou's arms and began kissing her. She blushed holding him, eventually she melted into the kiss.

Four's Company || BNHA Fanfic || IzuOcha, TodoMomo, Bakushima, Kamijirou ||Where stories live. Discover now