Lost In The Tower

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Cover fanart found on Pinterest. Original source unknown. If you know the artist, please let me know. 

People came to the gym and went away defeated, young trainers still hyped after fighting Green and older ones disappointed after failing once again against the Gym Leader who should have really been part of the Elite 4.
Red came by to say hi before heading out to train, leaving soon after giving his husband a brief kiss that made Blue roll her eyes at the sappiness of that routine.
The weather had been so dull and boring, with a barely visible sun despite being still hot outside, even those few wild Pokemons running around in the city didn't do much if not laying around lazily.

All in all, that had been an incredibly normal and uneventful day.

Until it wasn't.

Green was about to close down the gym for the day – all the other trainers plus his sister left thirty minutes before – when he heard a blunt tudcoming from behind the locked back door. He was right about to unlock it to get out before locking it back up, but something made him back away. That certainly wasn't a knocking sound, he knew better than to open the door.
He felt the hair on the back of his neck stand upright, tension enveloping him as he went over every possibility he could think of. Maybe some crazy fan who wanted to get a hold of him? It wouldn't have been the first time, anyways – a girl once stalked him for an entire week and even put her hands on his freaking underwear while he was at the beach. Luckily for him, and surely unluckily for her, they were only a spare pair and not something he actually wore before changing into swimming trunks.
So yeah, possibility number one.

The second hypothesis revolved around press. Green had seen his fair share of oppressive journalists, especially in his first year as Gym Leader of Viridian City, and more than one actively tried to kick down the door of his apartment before Green resolved to move. The house he now shared with Red was in a quiet district of the city, and maybe Blue had something to do with the press because no one bothered them at home. Green never pried an answer from her, but he was one hundred percent sure she threatened every single journalist she could get her voice on. Maybe with one of her Pokemon. Or her fists. Whatever.

The third possibility that made its way into Green's mind was far less innocent and safe. Sure, journalists knew how to get on his nerves – hell, he almost punched one in the face for being too inquisitive of his private life – and obsessed fans were a handful, but they weren't dangerous. Not in the immediate, at least.
But there was a chance, a slight and maybe unbelievable one, that Team Rocket was banging on his door. And no, not those idiots that followed young trainers around to steal their Pokemon, Green had met them and knew immediately they were just stealing the name.

Team Rocket, as far as few people knew at the present day, was a highly dangerous organization lead by clever minds and shady people. They didn't rely just on Pokemon to get their voice to be heard. Guns and knives were a lot better way, most of the times.
Some people, like Silver, personally knew what was like to be constantly tailed by Team Rocket. The poor man – even though no one would even dare calling him that in person – got beaten up more than once, ended up in a hospital more often than not as he was frequently targeted.
Green, on the other hand, had never been on their hit list. Sure, he was Red's husband, and Red disbanded them on his own while he was still a kid, but...
Oh, wait.

It was a little bit late for revenge, wasn't it? It could easily just be some really insistent courier bringing in another load of badges – and by that Green meant another small box because his gym didn't have that many trainers a day – but if that was the case, they had to be mad.
Unsure and suspicious, Green made up his mind a second too late. As soon as he reached for Blastoise's Pokeball, sitting in the jacket hung up near the door, the latter bursted open with a loud crash and forced Green to walk backwards, hands raised to protect his face from wood splinters, and staggering. A handful of seconds later, too few for the man to actively react or just call his Eevee, Green felt sharp and shocking pain all over his body, and he doubled over on the floor as every single muscle went limp and weak.

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