Have you ever wondered what happens when you close your eyes and fall asleep, where you really go and when you wake up again wether you are really awake or even alive.
When i was younger i hit a bad point and will admit now i used to self harm, now during these periods of harming myself quite often i used to just pass out and then next morning luckily i woke up again now everytime this happened i used to have to ask myself if i was really alive pr even if i was really awake because that initial waking up was just so surreal, the surroundings were still the same but i felt almost like i was not there in myself, like i was somewhere else but suŕrounded by the familiarity of my belongings, and this feeling was not a couple of seconds or minutes but this feeling could last for a few days with each sleep lessoning the feeling each time i woke up until i was reset and waking up feeling normal again, but the feeling was so strange even when i would be outside everything would be reacting as it should, the cars were still moving, the wind still blowing and birds still singing but in my head it was happening at a much slower pace then normal it was like a slow motion video. how do i know i was actually asleep as there was no dream i could remember apart from when the surreal feelings had cleared and they were daytime rather then when i was asleep, how do i know i wasnt actually still passed out and that actually i had stayed passed for a couple of days when the feelings of surrealism had cleared i dont because i was not in control it was more like someone was controlling and do a full major reset of my character, i will never know.The other one where things got on the strange side were the rare occurances of false awakenings where you wake up but are not really awake even though you dream that you have woken up and followed your normal morning routine only to actually wake up again and find out the last time you woke up was just a dream, well in my lifetime i must have had abput 3 instances of false awakenings only rather then being single false awakenings i was having multiple awakenings at a time 4 times is the most times i have woke up in one morning from the same dream and although most people dont worry about them i find to actually be some of the scariest dreams i have had because until you do a reality test by say trying to put your hand through glass then until that is done you do not know what is real or if you have really woken up. Now the only reason i can come up with for a false awakening is that you are someones elses daydream and its as if they are fighting to stay awake so they are nodding of to sleep but then suddenly they jolt and fall back to sleep again and they do this a couple of times until they fall asleep and you wake up for real.
The last point is your own dreams have you ever met someone in your dream and had a conversation with them then you realise you have never ever seen this person so how can you dream about them, or you see something you have never seen in your life before yet you could draw it or describe it and i bet if you looked it up on the internet chances are even though you have never seen one before i bet you could find it, these are what i sometimes think about as crossover dreams where you are daydreaming and seeing into the mind of the person that is creating or dreaming your day to day life and its an object even you have not seen it they mostly have as a part of there life.
There are many theories related to dreams but no one can ever be sure of the reality of dreams but one thing can be sure yes we have nightmares and then we have nice dreams but they also say that you can have fun in dreams, they say you can control your dreams by lucid dreaming where you actually control your dreams by actually using your dreams to your own advantage like for instance creating a bully in your dream so you can learn to stand up to them in real life or maybe you are learning to drive so dream you are being taught how to drive at least if you crash your car in a dream the insurance will always pay out and you can just dream yourself a new car. It does take practice to lucid dream but people say they can do it but can they really control there own dreams or are there dreams being controlled be someone elses reality, maybe the person you have never met before but you still manage to meet them in your dreams....
Are We Someones Elses Creation???
Não FicçãoAny comments or discussions are always welcome. This is a completed Short Story. This is to be my surreal philosophical thoughts on what i sometimes sit and think about when i wonder are we really alive or are we really someone elses imag...