One day, Mom and I went on a jewelry shop. Don't know at her what she's going to do there, but it was then the expression when I faced the middle corner of the shop. I saw wonderful jewelries that spark in my eyes. I slowly come near and gaze to that crystal one. That was the most beautiful among of the jewelries there. Wanted to know what its name, but I genuinely don't have an idea what kind of jewelry is it.
I am crying until we reached our home and Mom became irritated for that. She whipped me that much. That was the time I've felt the sudden change in my whole lifetime. Every bit I remembered before, that in everything I wished to have, it is easy being granted.
Now I've understood that it's the sudden vanished of my happy life. It feels like it's the end. . The end of a child's happiness. That life has no meaning anymore. Until years passed. . .
Short StoryHi, this story tells us how valuable life we have and the people surrounds us. We may be a bit challenged in this world, but happenings will always depend on how we cope up with things and arrive at decisions. We may be mislaid, but our hearts will...