3 years later.....
Cheol sighed and turned on the camera. He pulled up his hood and dusted off his pink sweater. "BOYS!!!! Time to take our family picture", yelled Cheol. "I'm not taking a damn picture dad", said wonwoo. "Yes you are won--Joshua put that back in your room", said Cheol. Joshua came out with a cap and sunglasses, "Nah bruh". "Bruh, then you aren't getting any cookies for lunch tomorrow", said Cheol. "Be right bac--HEY! why does Jeonghan get to wear a crown" , said Joshua. "He's not, Jeonghan go put that away with Joshua. And Wonwoo you are taking a picture" , said Cheol.
Wonwoo let out a ugh and walked over to the place he was going to stand in. The two boys made there way to their room. "Sooyoung get off of me", yelled Jihoo. Both of the boys were on the floor wrestling. "Hey I wanna join", said Junhui. Junhui jumped up on top of the pile making Jihoo groan. "Get off", he yelled. "BOYS stop fighting and stand --"
"Garonemo", yelled Mingyu and Hansol. Both of the boys jumped on top of the pile making the boys at the bottom groan. Cheol quickly ran to the pile and lifted all the boys onto their feets. "Hansol take that off", said Cheol. "Okay", Hansol took of the cap on his head to reveal another cap. "Hansol", said Cheol sternly. "Okay okay", said Hansol racing to him and seungkwan's bedroom. Seungkwan came out with lips stick all over his face, "How do I look daddy". Cheol tried to keep himself from crushing his kids heart. "You look--"
"Like a clown", said Minghao
Seungkwan and Cheol jumped, Minghao was right behind them. "I do not look like a clown! Right daddy", asked seungkwan. Minghao looked up at Cheol as well with the face. You know, the one he gives when he is right. "Baby, you look--nice but you look even nicer with out make up", said Cheol. Seungkwan smiled, making himself look like the joker, and ran up the stairs to his room to wipe of the makeup. He accidentally bumped into his twin and sent Hansol screaming down the stairs. Seungkwan started crying and ran away. Cheol picked up Hansol who was also crying. He checked his head for any bumps and sighed of relief to see none. "I told you he looked like a clown", said Minghao.
Cheol and Hansol jumped, Minghao was right next to them. Minghao patted hansol's back, "Let's go". Hansol followed after Minghao, and Cheol raced up to find Seungkwan. He looked around until his eyes landed on two tiny heads in the corner of the hallway. He raced over toys, books, and cloths to get to them. Seokmin was patting seungkwan's back, trying to make him feel better. "Baby, thank you. Go down stairs with your brothers", said Cheol. Seokmin smiled and nodded. "Bye Seungkwan, feel better", he said kissing his head and running off. Cheol smiled as the boy ran pass, he then looked down at the crying boy. He grabbed a baby wipe and picked up seungkwan. "It's okay baby. Don't cry anymore, daddy still thinks you are beautiful even if you look like this..." , said Cheol wipping of the makeup. Seungkwan started to cry even more. Cheol sighed and patted Seungkwan's head. "That's Enough, that's enough", he said softly. Soon Seungkwan stopped crying and Cheol smiled down at him, "You done". Seungkwan nodded and Cheol put him down. Seungkwan dusted himself down and walked back to the living room. Cheol followed behind him.
" Oh there's the cry baby", said Wonwoo. "I am not a cry baby", said Seungkwan. "Yah, you are", said Mingyu. "I am not", yelled Seungkwan. "Hey! Don't talk to seungkwan like that", said Hansol. "Hey, stop fighting", said Seokmin. "Oh shut up", said Wonwoo. "Ya! Stop getting mad at Seokmin" , said Jeonghan. "Yah! Listen to your hyungs", said Junhui and Joshua. " Oh hyung, my ass", said Wonwoo. "Yah", said Mingyu and Sooyoung making funny faces to the three olders. "What did you say", said Joshua. "Hey, that's enough", said Jihoo. "Yah, you guys are getting annoying" , said Minghao. "And you popping it of nowhere isn't annoying", asked Mingyu. "Yah", said Seungkwan and Hansol.
" HEY THAT'S ENOUGH", yelled Cheol
All the boys stood up straight and got into there poses for the picture. "Okay, now am I missing anyone", asked Cheol. The boys looked around and shrugged. "Okay, 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-......11?", Said Cheol, "who am I missing". "Dad", said Minghao. "Yes", said Cheol. "Where's Chan", Minghao giving him that face again. "Shit!", Said Cheol. "Daddy..." , said Jeonghan. "Oh, sorry no cursing right. I'll be right back with your brother. Wait here", said Cheol racing up the stairs.
" Now what", asked Minghao. "Yo! Why are you standing in the back, short ass", asked Wonwoo. "What did you say", said Mingyu.
Seventeen Family
Fiksi PenggemarTwelve kids plus One single father equals to Seventeen headaches a day