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I don't know what rules you should make for a cover shop but i guess be nice??

I make covers for: Fairy Tail, BNHA, Miraculous Ladybug

*I will also make covers for non-fanbase covers, like if you came up with your own story

So I want details, lots of em. You dont have to spoil your book for me (although that'd be awesome, it makes the quality better) but details like "please put a lot of blue", "the story's setting is mostly on the beach, so pls add a pic of that", "do not add orange, it's ugly", "can you add a pic of my fav ship??", "the story is a romance between ____ and ____"
anyways, you get the idea? just qs much detail as possible, any details work. And if you are a person that will spoil their book, then you can always request in my dm's!!

The two ways to request are..
1. right here in the comments. Can all the requests in the comments be in this chapter only? if you request on a random chapter, i might never see it.
2. In my dm's. I'm likely to see your request if its there, and its perfect if there's details you dont want the public to know!

I dont really consider myself amazing at making covers ;-; it's really just a hobby
but I can assure you that once i get started on something, I get it done ASAP and with as much quality as I can make. Although if i dont respondto your request i prob didnt see it, so be persistant, attack my dms or comments

I'll make some example covers soon, so watch out for that I guess.

btw, all my covers are totally free, I wont make you follow or advertise my shop or anything really, it's realpy just a hobby for me

URA-CHAN'S COVER SHOPWhere stories live. Discover now