Beach Date

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"So, you feel like coming along?"  I text my lovely blonde boyfriend, the one and only Ryuji Sakamoto, planning to take him on a beach date on this hot summer day. 

"Of course!  You know I can't say no to time with you!"  He answers in the most perfect way he can because it's him and that's the only type of answer my love is capable of giving.

"Yay!  Can't wait to see you!"  I respond.  After getting ready to go I head downstairs.

"You certainly seem excited," Sojiro says, probably because of the huge smile I have on my face.  "You got another date with him, I'm assuming?  You two just had one last week too," he remarks. 

"Yeah well it's summer, isn't it?  We gotta make use of this time while we can," I tell him. 

"Well, you two have fun, alright?"  He says.

"Oh trust me, we will!"  I say gleefully and head outside.  I find Futaba outside, as per usual, although she's got Morgana with her today. 

"Hey Akira!"  She says happily.

"Hey Futaba!  Sorry I can't stay to chat for long - my love's waiting for me at the beach," I tell her. 

"I still don't know what you could possibly see in that idiot," Morgana says.  I glare at him.  But before I can say anything in anger Futaba deal with it herself. 

"Oh hush, silly kitty.  Have fun, Akira!" She says. 

I head out of the area and towards the beach, anxiously awaiting seeing my love there.  It feels like an eternity before I make it there, but I manage to arrive nonetheless. 

"Hey!  I'm here!"  I text my boy eagerly.

"So early like always!"  He texts back.

"Or you're just late like always!"  I send back. 

"Oh really, late am I?"  I hear his voice before I get arms wrapped around me from behind.  His arms.  His warm, protective arms embracing me... it feels like heaven. 

"You coulda told me you were here you know!"   I say, mock angrily. 

"It's more fun to surprise you like this!"  He says.  He's certainly got me there.  He finally lets go of me, so I turn around and hug him instead.  Nice little bonus of being at the beach - my love shirtless and oh so beautiful. 

"I love you," I say. 

"Love you too," he says, hugging back.  "Oh, wait I almost forgot!  I gotta show you something!" He tells me.  He takes my hand and leads me to a secluded area - and in the sand is a heart made of seashells.  It's beautiful.  So this is why he was here so early then?  This man, I swear. 

"It's amazing!   You made this for me?"  I ask. 

"Of course!  Who else would I have done all the work of finding only the best of shells for this heart," he says. 

"How did you even have time to do all of this?" I ask. 



"That magic of our love compelling me to work hard, of course," he says.   I can't help myself seeing his proud face and pull him into a kiss. 

"Thank you, it's lovely.  I wish I made something for you now though," I say. 

"You've made me smile ever since you got here," he says, perfectly, as always. 

"Damn it, Ryuji, are you trying to make me fall even more madly in love with you?"  I ask.

"Mayybeee," he says, laughing along the way. 

We spend some time together in the sand, challenging each other to see who can build a bigger sandcastle. 

"I win!"  He says. 

"Only cause I let you," I respond. 

"Oh did you now?"

"Of course I did."

"Well, then let's have a real competition and see who can get to the water first!"  He says.  We race each other to the sea, and unsurprisingly he wins again. 

"Not fair, racing is your specialty!"  I tell him, to which he laughs. 

"Not my fault you went along with it!" He giggles.  I splash him with the water as a response.  "Hey!" He says, splashing back.  We go back and forth like so for a bit, laughing all the while.  Once we stop we play around in the sea for a bit, and then get out to eat lunch. 

We buy some hot dogs from a nearby seller, and just enjoy each other's company along with the food.  I rest my head on Ryuji's shoulder while eating, and he put his down to touch mine. 

"So, what do you wanna do after this?"  He asks.

"I dunno, we got all day ahead of us to do whatever we want"

"Well, so long as I got you with me, I'll do anything," he interrupts me. 

"Hey, that was about to be my line!" I say, giving a fake pout.  I can't keep it up at all when he meets it with a kiss.  

"It can be both of our lines," he says. 

"There you go again saying the perfect possible thing," I tell him. 

"Hehe.   I know we need to figure out what we wanna do but for right now, let's just not do anything and stay like this, just for a little while longer."

"I like that idea, I like it a lot."

"I figured you would."

"You know me too well my love."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2019 ⏰

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