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Yang's POV

I was walking through Downtown Vale searching for Neo's whereabouts in the rain when I heard sniffling. I continued to walk and turned into the alleyway and I see a box with a little boy crying. I walk up to him.

Yang: hey little guy what are you doing out here all by yourself?

Y/N: my mommy didn't want me anymore because I'm a faunus. Please, I'm just so cold.

Yang felt a pull to the little boy in front of her, wishing to protect him from anything that came to harm him.

Yang: *picking Y/N up* why don't you come with me?

Y/N: *shivering* r-r-really?

Yang: Mhm

Yang calls a Bullhead to her position to pick her and Y/N up and take them to Beacon.

Yang calls a Bullhead to her position to pick her and Y/N up and take them to Beacon

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not my picture, and imagine fox ears and a fox tail.

Y/N falls asleep on Yang soft chest, her steady breathing lulling him asleep along with her soft voice singing a gentle lullaby. With a sigh of content, Y/N falls into a deep sleep.

Yang: *thinking* He's so adorable, why would anyone leave him like that? *out loud* what am I going to do with you?

Jaune: hey Yang how are ya doing?

Yang: sssshhh*points down towards Y/N*

Jaune: what is its name?

Yang: I don't know, but "it" is a little boy that was abandoned by his parents.

Jaune: *whispering* wow, you really have a way with kids.

Yang: It just comes naturally, I just couldn't just leave him there all alone. I need you to contact Ozpin alright Jaune.

Jaune: got it, but what do I tell him?

Yang: just tell him to be outside when we land, ok?

Jaune: got it *begins to type on his Scroll*

Yang: I think I know just what to do.
An hour later

Glynda: what do you think is going on, Professor Ozpin?

Professor Ozpin: I think Mrs. Xiao Long has found something.

Glynda: what do you think she found?

Ozpin: Not something, but someone, ah here they are.

The Bullhead lands on the helipad. The first one out is Jaune, and then Yang holding a still shivering Y/N. Mrs. Goodwitch looked at Yang expecting an explanation.

Yang: Sorry Mrs. Goodwitch, I just couldn't leave this little guy out there in downtown Vale.

Mrs. Goodwitch: It's alright, you saved a little boy from a life on the street. Can I see him?

Yang: Yes but you have to be very quiet.

Mrs. Goodwitch: *whispering* how old is he?

Yang: *whispering* My guess is that he is six years old.

Ozpin: I agree with Mrs. Xiao long about the child's age.

Mrs. Goodwitch: *handing Y/N over to Yang* I think that this child should stay with Mrs. Xiao Long as long as she is responsible and takes care of him. *Glynda sees Y/N cling to Yang and nuzzle into her shoulder* it seems that he has already grown quite attached to her.

Ozpin: Agreed, I wonder how Tai and Summer will react to the fact that they now have a grandchild so soon.

Yang walked back to her dorm, passing a pair of twins that stand under a Cherry Blossom. She turns back around in a split second to look at them and hears them say.

Maris and Tanis: please take care of our little brother.

Yang sees them fade away in the moonlight.

A/N: my OCs, don't take them.

Yang then continues her trip to her dorm room. She opens the door slowly only to see the rest of team RWBY looking at her with angry glances.

Weiss: where were you and what is that on your shoulder?

Ruby: *whispering after she notices Y/N's sleeping form* where have you been?

Yang: it's a 6 year old fox Faunus and he is staying with us, but to answer your other question I was on a mission with tall blond and scraggly as Weiss puts it.

Y/N stirs and rubs the sleep out of his eyes and asks a question that melts Yang's heart.

Y/N: Mommy where are we?

Yang: *thinking* he just called me his mommy

Y/N: *sleepy* hi, I-I-I'm Y/N.

Blake: *notices his ears and tail, looks at Yang and smiles* hi Y/N, its nice to meet you.

Ruby: so is he going to be my adopted nephew?

Yang: yes, my little dragon. * gently puts Y/N under the covers of her bed and tucks him in*

Y/N: * snuggles into the pillow and hugs the blanket close to his chest*

Weiss: I have to admit, he is adorable.

Blake: agreed, but Yang I thought we talked about having kids after we graduated.

Yang: I know, but would you rather me have left all alone?

Blake: no but...

Yang: he called me mommy, and that means we can't just throw him out, it will hurt him too much. His real mother abandoned him in an alleyway, and I don't want him to live on the streets becoming bitter.

Blake: ok Yang, you're right.

Everyone gets ready for bed. Yang then get under the covers and put her arms around Y/N as he snuggles deeper into her chest. She smiles softly as she holds Y/N close and falls into a deep sleep.

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