The start of love

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Lucario's dad: "So, son, are you going to be an aura warrior?" Dad said placing a paw on my shoulder

Lucario: "Sure dad, if you really want me too"
I said looking at him, while he brightly smiled, stroking my head

Lucario's dad: "Okay, son! Then go and do your best, Xander!"
I nodded to Dad, with a smirk.

Lucario: * I turn back around to give dad a hug*. " Bye dad! "
He stroked my aura sensors, making me laugh a bit

Lucario 's dad: "See ya son! Have fun"
I left the house and went to train under the tree, near to the border of our kingdom. I always wanderer, what was on the other side of it...

Braixen: *running* sigh* I hate this so much... wait... is that a tree?

Braixen: what is this place? Read sign* aura kingdom * Oh no!!

Braixen: What if a lucario see me? They would kill me!

Lucario: *running* sigh* wait.... Huh? Is that... a fire type Pokemon in the aura kingdom?

Lucario: *runs up and activates aura sphere*

Braixen: wait, stop! don't hunt me

Lucario: why not?

Braixen: cause if u do then I...I'll send my um...

Braixen: wow what happened to your face?

Lucario: um... my face? what's wrong with it?

Braixen: there are scars all over your face and your eye is gone

Lucario: but you wear glasses

Braixen: so what?

Lucario: wait... I see something watch out!!! *push to the side*
Zoroark: Hello my little ones

Lucario/Braixen: um... hi?

Zoroark: well ... well... well what do we have here a Lucario and a Braixen ? What are you two teens doing walking around in this part of the woods.

Lucario: um... I don't know why are you here u old pokemon

Zoroark: you kids are not dating right?

Lucario/Braixen: No!! *look at each other*

Lucario: I can't date her! she's a fire type
Braixen; yea...
Braixen; but I guess I like you 
Lucario: huh? *ear twitched* come on!!

Zoroark:Wait don't leave I need you kids to meet someone, max
Lucario/Braixen;  Who?

Zoroark: Max is a umbreon but he loves something about you kids, come *turn arounds* so, what are your names?
Lucario: i'm xander

Braixen: I'm Brooke

Zoroark: well what do kids think of my name *hiss*

 Lucario/Braixen: zane?

A Love of WAR Lucario X BraixenWhere stories live. Discover now