Whole story

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Once upon a time there was a knight who lived in a forest, the forest of lost animals, in Kiriki village. He was nicknamed the unnamed knight because no one knew where he came from or his name for that matter. We recognized him because everywhere he went, a white dog followed him. Did a memory of his father answer when asked the question. This animal was special because he was gifted with speech but, much to the despair of his master, was very talkative.

One day, for it wasn't raining
for once, the knight, then 20 years old, decided to go in search of his father (not his mother) to finally find out who he was. So he took a bag, filled with fruit, a blanket, some clothes, (he himself was simply dressed: brown boots, black tunic and black top) with some money and left the hut at the other end of the village at dawn; followed by the white dog, whom he had called Merle due to these incessant chatter without limits.
He went to the small trading port, bought a boat because he did not have enough money and started rowing.

The (little) boat sailed quietly on the waves.
The talkative, the white dog and the intimate, Merle, sang a song appropriate to the situation at the top of the head:

"It was a little ship, it was a little ship, which had never sailed, which had never sailed, Ohé, Ohé!

-But damn it, what is it wrong ? A real pan!There are times I would have preferred to have a banal dog, thought the young man, clutching his ears, with him, a storm could arrive without problem"

And what he says (thought very hard) was true. Only a few hours after their departure, a huge black cloud was coming on the horizon with his friend thunder and his brothers the lights. The waves became more and more agitated, the wind roared and doubled even more, the boat pitched dangerously, ready to sink. Suddenly, in the middle of the raging storm, a piercing cry was heard. An eagle of fire was seen between the rough sea and the black clouds.

The fire-winged animal was flying far too close to the small boat.
While the young knight, who had dropped the oars, straightened up after being assaulted by a wave, the eagle with fiery wings attacked him with his claws.
Merle responded with fangs and saved the knight's life.
He seized his father and bravely defended himself against the fiery red winged predator.
The blows redoubled, the assaults continued between the eagle, the dog, the knight, and the waves.
Then, suddenly, the eagle was wounded in the right flank, he screamed, a drop of his blood fell on the floor of the (micro) ship, and the bruised animal, fled and disappeared into the storm
(once again).
The young man, exhausted, let himself fall on the boat's bench, while the canine caught his breath.
Attracted by a gilded burst, the knight bent down and discovered instead of the blood of the eagle, a ring that had taken shape.
It was set with two stones, one ruddy, the other white.
Curious coincidence.
Meanwhile, the storm was gone to leave room for a calm calm.
The brave rider decided to regain some strength, he ate some fruit, gave Merle a nibble, and took a nap.
It was only a few hours later, awakened by the "HEY" of his companion that he was able to dock at a port.
Jumping out of the boat, delighted to find the floor of the cows, he began to pull out his sore muscles.
Merle pulled him from his thoughts:

"Well, this is not the time to do the gym so where are we going?
Because for the moment we do not know where to look.

-I do not know, admitted the young man, already buy some food and see where we are.

-Finally a good idea, "replied the canid.

After a desperate look at his master, they set out to find some information.

In the evening, in an inn, called "the pricking parade", the knight ate in a dark corner of the room with his eternal comrade.
As he stared down at his duck, his duck bathed in a brownish sauce, he heard a very interesting conversation:

The unnamed knightWhere stories live. Discover now