Chapter XVI: The First Day Of Fall

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Weeks went by and the seasons changed. I was able to convince Ezra to stay, as I knew I would be. He and Ryan made amends on their own time. Now, I find them working or training together often. About once every week or two, Ezra will join me in the kitchen and I'll teach him how to make something for Yuu. Cutely enough, once Yuu figured this much out, he asked if I could teach him how to cook more savory meals for Ezra.

Kuza made a full recovery from the incident. Ricky sends me out on tasks with he and Ryan often, to keep me busy. I've had the privilege of seeing one civilization, now. From my understanding, it's the safest country in the world for dark creatures like us. It was a nation named Avatar Country. The people there were kind to us, as if we weren't monsters to them. Ricky had mentioned there were humans infatuated with the occult here, just as there are goths and geeks on Earth, and it seemed the majority resided in Avatar Country.

Though I am grateful Ricky hasn't locked me up in a tower like a vampiric Rapunzel, I know he only sends me out on low risk missions. There have been times where Ryan and Kuza make it back with significant wounds or afflictions. The type of battles they encounter when I'm not with them are almost always severe. I have yet to decide how I feel about Ricky choosing this treatment for me.

We've grown closer, though I'm not sure I would define us as a couple. I'm confident in saying we're far more than just fuck buddies. He confides in me a lot, and spends the majority his down time with me. Most nights, though, I do sleep alone in my coffin and he in his bed.

While the leaves had started falling two weeks ago, today was the first official day of autumn. It was a remarkable sight to behold from our privileged vantage point. Every day, I could look out on a sea of yellow, orange and red trees. It was the perfect temperature always, and the smell in the air was heavenly. I can't believe this will last for eight months. It's like I've died and gone to Heaven.

I became concerned when I hadn't seen Ricky in over a day and a half. He does often get wrapped up in his work and I try not to bother him. When I couldn't find him in his normal study, I began searching the castle for him. Eventually, I found him stood out on the balcony. He was leaned over the railing, looking out at the twinkling night sky.

"Is something wrong?" He asked me as I approached.

"No," I replied, "I just was wondering where you were."

Ricky turned to look over his shoulder, smirking like the Devil. "Were you worried about me? You were, weren't you?"

"So what if I was?" I remarked.

He laughed, returning his gaze forward. I stepped up beside him, joining him in his admiration of the landscape. Ricky was wearing something I had yet to see him in. It was a well fitted black coat that reached his ankles. The garment looked expensive. Underneath, he had a clean white shirt with a frilled collar, his emblem pinned upon it.

"A meeting's been called. One I can't ignore, unfortunately." He grumbled.

"What kind of meeting?" I asked.

Ricky sighed, clearly bothered, "A meeting of the demon lords."

"All of them? Call me strange, but I don't think attending a meeting with someone who tried to kill Kuza is a good idea."

"Trust me, I agree, but I can't say no. We have this meeting twice a year. I've always declined, but this time around, the guy in charge threatened to pay me a visit if I didn't show. As I'm sure you can imagine, the man in charge of demon lords is not someone you want to mess with. I'll be gone six days. Can you handle things here while I'm gone?"

I shrugged. "Sure. It's not like anything dramatic happens around here anyways. I'll miss you though, and I'm sure we'll all be worried."

"You shouldn't be. I can take care of myself, and knowing I have others who depend on me, that means I'd never let anything happen to myself." He reassured me.

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