Chapter 1. What's going on...

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*James' POV*

James:... everybody. It's ya boi the Odd1sout. Today, me, Jaiden, and Adam will be playing Angels and Devils. You guys love the last time we did this, so we're doing it again!
Jaiden and Adam: yay!

James: so, today's story is...

*a few hours later*
James: ... alright that's it. See ya on the next episode. And wear your seatbelts.
Adam: wow, that's pretty crazy
Jaiden: i know right?

James: *looks at the clock* oh it's 8:27 (pm) already. Wanna go grab dinner?
Jaiden and Adam: sure.

*at the dinner*
Waitress: good evening sir and madam. What do you like to have for today?
Jaiden: i would like a plain salad please. Oh, and one cup of orange juice.
James: i will take a bacon and cheese sandwich, fries and a coke.
Adam: can i get spaghetti meatballs and coke please? And that's all.
Waitress: sure do. *leaves*

*time skip*
Adam: i am still pretty scarred after Cheerios, where im probably staying single for a while. What 'bout yo Jaiden?
Jaiden: i have a boyfriend!!! His name is Aaden
(A/N: i know this isn't Aaden fanfic, but i dont like using the name Aiden cuz i use it as my fourth nickname after my favorite character in videogames. Aaden must go on)
James and Adam: How is he?
Jaiden: handsome, muscular, pretty dumb though. Cutely dumb.
James: someone is love sick!!!
Jaiden: what about you James?
Adam: yeah, who's your crush???
James: haha nope i dont have one *Whisper to Adam* shut up or i swear to god...
Jaiden: what are you guys talking about?
James: nothing.

Yes yes, it is a short chapter. But this is the intro. I basically have zero idea how to start this story.

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