Chapter 1

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Running. Running is something one does at least once in their life. I run from place to place for example. Why? The one coven everyone fears. Said coven will not hesitate to force me as a member. The reason being my gift. My powerful gift. As I was running to my one dearest friend. One who insists we are family, has asked for my presence to help a sort out a conflict.

Davina's point of view  

I was stalking a human around the little field of ice, a 30 year old at least. That was told to meet a family member.(she ate said family member). I pounced as the male turned his back to me. He yelped when we collided and started to yell, quickly using my gift to quiet him down. I sunk my teeth into the place his pulse is the strongest.

After finishing my meal I quickly disposed of the body. After that my small slim legs ran the fastest they could go. Not wanting to make him wait any longer. I sighed when I heard someone or something follow me. Not wanting to slow down I did not look at my pursuer.

When something pinned me to the ground I was a little upset my pursuer was able to catch me. Then I heard Carlisle tell my mystery pursuer to get off me.I felt the weight get off my back. When everyone saw me everyone just stared except Carlisle who pulled me into a warm hug.

" It's wonderful to see you Davina," Carlisle said wholeheartedly

" You too, Carlisle," I said in my beautiful velvety voice.

Looking back I finally saw my mystery pursuer. As it turned out it was a huge rusty brown wolf. It must of saw me looking cause it growled as if in annoyance. I was not bothered by wolf but, it did however have a smell of wet dog which my sense of smell did not appreciate.

" If you do not mind me asking, Carlisle, What is a child of the moon doing in wolf form during the day," I asked extremely curious of how this was possible. Though my question caught everyone off guard

" We don't know," Carlisle answered honestly

" Do they even know," I asked while looking at the wolf

Then a girl piped up

"I don't think so,"the girl answered

" Sorry I don't mean to be rude, but, who are you,"I asked  

" oh don't worry, your not being rude, i'm Bella, and this is my husband Edward," The girl Bella replied gesturing toward a male with golden brown hair.

" I'm Esme, Carlisle's wife," A short woman with black hair down to her shoulders said.

Then a buff guy with short brown hair styled in a military buzz cut introduced himself 

" I'm Emmett and this is my mate Rosalie," He pointed toward a girl with blond hair down to her neck.

" That mutt over there," Rosalie pointed to the wolf " Is Jacob Black," She said in disgust

" Nice to meet you all, I'm Davina Reynolds," I said. People I meant in past occasions said i'm unnaturally beautiful even for a vampire. With my brown straight hair that goes a little longer down my waist. My crimson eyes complimented my pale skin and my short and slim body.

" Carlisle, what is this so called conflict you need me for," I asked 

" It will be better to show you," Edward replied for Carlisle

A/N sorry for all the errors or incorrect plot line references. This is first my official book. I would be happy to receive requests since the writer block struggle is real. Thanks for reading.

*mumbles* if anyone reads it  

Also i do not own any characters except Davina Reynolds

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