Chapter One: Entering the Hell Hole

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September 9th, 20XX
6:45 A.M

Komaeda's POV:
I was up pretty early, surprisingly. I was all dressed in this wacky uniform. I didn't like this. Moving into a new school isn't my thing. I would rather finish the year instead of just leave. I didn't want to complain about anything else so all i did was gather my stuff and walk to the door and out the house. I decided to walk to school today, nothing new.

Once I arrived at the school I look up, looking at the schools name. "Hopes Peak Academy eh?-" I muttered to myself, making my way in. I took a step forward, taking a deep breath and letting it out. I was surely not ready for this. 'I don't know where to go- what do I do- i don't know anyone here- do I just ask?-' I was just hesitating, panicking. I look over at a female, not to far from me. She had pink hair and a soft look in her eyes. I stayed quiet

Chiaki's POV:
I walked towards the strange male. He stayed in place, looking at me. I waved "you must be new, welcome" was all I said before taking out my schedule. I wanted to see if I had any classes with him. "Show me your schedule." I said, showing my to him. He looked at the paper than at me. He nodded and took his out. Most of our classes where the same,I guess. "Oh by the way, my name is Chiaki" I said with a warm smile.

I noticed him smile softly back at me "The names Komaeda" He said. 'Komaeda?' Is what I wondered 'he doesn't seem like someone who would get along with anyone' I look at him and wave him goodbye "i gotta go to my class, cya-"

Komaeda's POV:
That was strange, classes don't start yet... Oh well, I can just ask for someone else to help me. I bump into someone, of course not knowing who "I-Im sorry-" The person looked at me "Watch where you're going!-" the strange male hissed at me. I nodded and sighed walking away.

And so this kept happening to me, I've been getting picked on and mocked for a few days now. I avoided many people, staying quiet and refusing to give eye contact. This school is a total hell hole! But one day.. on that day... something.... someone changed all that.

(I'm so sorry if it's bad q-q I'm trying my best---)

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