Red Sky (August 8,2019-Summer Surprises)

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It was a beautiful day. That was until I saw my neighbor stepped out of their house and melted.

It started out normal, I woke up at noon as it was summer vacation and I love sleeping. I ate lunch and found that it would be windy all day long, so I found my Star Wars TIE fighter kite and made my way to our front yard to fly my kite.

"Afternoon, Maya!" My neighbor, Minx, greeted as they opened the door.

"Hey Minx, how- gahhh!" Minx, had barely closed the door, when they melted right on to their welcome mat. I ran over, and looked at the puddle of human flesh. "I must be dreaming," I said to myself, and proceeded to poke my finger on a Rose bush. "Ouch!" To my dismay, this was reality.

"Maya!" Devin called, running up to me. "I saw Minx just melt? You saw that too rig- what the hell!"

He looked down at the puddle as well.

"I-I'm gonna call 911. Can you take pictures just in case something happens to Minx's puddle?"
He nodded. I dialed 911 explaining the situation. At first, the person who picked up was confused and thought I was high. Then I got transferred over to someone else.

"Hello, is this the caller calling about someone who turned into a puddle?"

"Yes! My neighbor literally stepped out the door and melted!"

"Thank you for confirming. M'am, do you by any chance know if your neighbor had visited Area 51 recently?"

"Wha-why?" I was baffled. Devin raises an eyebrow and whispered, "Didn't Minx say they booked a hotel room near Area 51, just to be there before everyone else?"

I nodded.

"M'am, are you still on the line?"

"Yes, sorry, yes they did say they'd go to Area 51. We all thought it was a joke, as they were drunk but they did end up being out of town for a few days."

"When were they there?"

"Last week, from July 29th, to August 4th. I'm not sure if they really went inside Area 51, though."

"Oh they definitely were there. Believe it or not, this isn't the only report of someone melting as soon as they stepped outside."

Devin and I looked at each other in shock. "For real?"

"Yes M'am. Citizens who have gone to Area 51 between July 30th to August 3rd most likely have contracted a disease that melts the human body as soon as they step into direct sunlight. It takes a couple days for the disease to work, though."

"Disease? What kind of disease is it?!" Considering that I'm a Biology and Chemistry major, I would heard about something like this, right?

"I'm not allowed to disclose this information on the phone. A squad is on their way to come and pick up your neighbor, as well as you and whoever else witnessed this. You guys didn't touch the puddle right?"



That's when the sky turned red.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2019 ⏰

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