Character Chart

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Name: Tenri

Last name : Ailith

Birthday : September 2nd

Age : 10

Gender : Female

Appearance : Long straight black hair, blue eyes, peachy colored skin

Personality:cute and cheerful most of the time.gets annoyed easily. Gets super mad when people touch her doll Yui excluding her older sister Shiori and her best friend Ayumi, Also bites when angry. Whenever Tenri is sad she goes to in her room and talks to her doll Yui

Family: parents, Shiori, and most of all Yui

Height : 3 " 4 inches

Favorite food : sandwiches

Likes: cats, turtles, Yui, Shiori, butterflys, popcorn, and life.

Dislikes: Bragging, Brocoli, Animal Abuse, Thunder, Being Alone, Seeing Blood, Mosquitos

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