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It was sunny.



A perfect June day. The sky a light, clear, blue as brilliant as sapphire. There were no clouds. None. Just the never ending brilliant blue canvas stretching out as far as I could see. Warm, soft,  smooth, air rushed in through the open car windows.

The sound of my Mothers laughter breezing past my ears like a silk caress. My little sisters voice weaving through my mind as she played with her dolls. I turn to look at her and a small smile slips onto my lips.

She looks up at me, her crystaline blue eyes widened in happiness at my attention. She says something and holds out her small hands. I grab them gently and flip them so that her palms are on mine. The pink sparkles on her nails glistening.

She giggles softly as I sing a childs lullaby. I finish the song and realize my Mother is watching from her spot in the front seat. I lean back in my seat and give her a half grin. My little sister kisses my cheek. She opens her mouth to say somthing when suddenly the sound of metal clashing and ripping rips through my head.

The world jolts, twists,flips.

It fills with broken peices of glass.

It sows down, leaving me floating. My arms raising up in slow motion.

The sound of screaming peirces my ears and I realize slowly that it's me. 

Then just as fast as it starts it stops. The world stills and speeds up again, the floating red stained glass falls to the ground, the screaming silences. The only sound is sirens wailing. Sirens wailing and people shouting. 

My eyes sting, my face, legs, and head burn with unbearable pain. The familiar tug of a seatbelt pulls my numb mind out of its shell. Annoyed yet dazed I struggle to unclip it, I have to yank and pull but I manage to free myself.

Before I have time to think I come crashing down onto the floor, wincing in pain I look up. Dixie is no longer in her seat next to me. Her body is hanging from the window next to her, my Mother and Father hang down still and quiet. There hair falling down onto the ground.

My heart clenches painfully but I ignore it and crawl through the window next to me. Peices of glass bite into my skin like sharp jagged teeth trying to keep me in its shattered prison. Red liquid oozes down into my eye but I wipe it away. It simply pours back down so I ignore it.

My hands claw at the gray cement, my fingernails breaking and cracking as I dig them into the pavement in a desperate attempt to get my legs away from the murdurous window. Finally I manage to make it out.

Somehow I sit up despite the screaming in my ribs, my eyes wander down to my leg and I frown. It has a large gash running along the front, a large peice of bone sticks out from my shorts, blood gushing out of the wound onto the ground. It forms a puddle underneath my feet.

My arm tightens in agony and I gnash my teeth. It hangs limp at an odd angle despite me having just used it. I shake my head causing red droplets to splatter. I fall back onto the floor and drag myself towards Dixie.

Her eyes are open yet unseeing. Glassy and still. Her mouth is open and dripping blood. Her golden honey hair lays in the street. "Dixie?" I whisper but she dosn't answer. "Dixie." I say louder, my voice hoarse and rough. "Dixie wake up!" 

I gasp and wheeze trying to force air down into my lungs. Why wasn't she answering? Why woudn't she talk? Why?


My vision blackens and I waver slightly, rolling onto my side I vomit. The color the same dark rich red coating Dixie and the street. My eyes wander away from her body towards the blue saphire sky.

It was covered in shadows.



The Boy Who Couldn't DieWhere stories live. Discover now