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Guys omg its been 2 days since i played Roblox and I'm afraid my friends are mega annoyed at me send help goddammit

Also yes by the title I hate a Crispy Chicken Sandwich from Burger King and basically I'm sick

I have no clue what this for other than ranting

About myself, mostly, and other but for the love of God


Especially someone I know is reading this, this is directed towards you.

Stop putting down other girls because they like something popular. Sure, I may like Skeleton Staff, a pretty much unknown band, but that doesn't give me a right to make fun of people who like Ariana Grande because they're not "QuiRKY1!!1". IM NOT GOING TO CALL THEM A THOT BECAUSE WE DONT SHARE THE SAME TASTE HHH.

also please don't stay sksksksksksk in real life I will legit eat your thyroid

So basically, if a girl likes to party, let her do it! Just because you enjoy being lonely and watching Netflix doesn't mean other girls need to share your hobbies. They can party! It doesn't make them a whore.

Comparing yourself to other girls, be it you view yourself as better than them or worse, it's unhealthy! You really shouldn't be doing so.

But, there's a whole different sub category of girls i wanna touch on that are a mix of "I'm not like most girls" and basically.... "YaOi!!1!1!"

Holy shit, there's this girl I need to rant to you about, oh my god

So I know this girl personally, and all she cares about is yaoi basically. Like hhhgggg please do not FETisHise a SEXuaLIty PissHEAD

like, she's okay with lesbians (I think), but when there's gay men holy shit is she going to hhhhhhhgGGG

Also loser noob she literally told me the only porn she watches is gay and what the noob idk how to respond to it.

So basically I broke off all ties with her and shit and yeah.

This is a sloppy rant. Should I reread..? Naw.

Like, I'm fine with people from any sexuality! If you're bi, homosexual, straight, whatever, I support you, and we should support eachother without having to push eachother down


All the comments in gay related things are basically written by 8 year olds born with fetal alcohol syndrome that say, and i quote:

"Me when I see two men kissing: aw so cute!
Me when I see two girls kissing: ew, wtf?!
Like if you agree :D"

Also, that is, in fact, a real comment. I'm not sure when it was posted, but yeah.

I really should sleep, i havent slept well all week.

But anyway, that comment I just wrote also works the same with creepy men, but just switch the genders around.

It's a goddamn cycle hhhh

Sexual preferences should not be fetishised, mmk? Do you understand?

Anyway, back to rant A:

If a girl likes skirts, that doesn't mean she's a whore;

She just has rad fashion sense that doesn't match your rad fashion sense!

Also, y'all need to stop saying "I'm not like mOSt giRls, I liStEn to oasIS!" well bitch a lot of people do, if you're gonna say a band, tell us one we've never heard, like...

I don't know, whoever the heck those pop punk kids are who made in bloom.

I can't remember their name goDDAMIT

Why am I being so nice in my writing lol I should just say how I really feel about these girls hhh

Okay, I'm not, but it positive reinforcement doesn't work I'm yelling at all

Okay thank you for reading this sloppy mess I am tired and I didn't try hh sorry.

I leave you with a skeleton staff song ig

Behave or perish

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2019 ⏰

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