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-Reader's outfit and extra stuff-

*Reader's P.O.V*

'First day of High School! I hope mom and dads business doesn't affect anything—'

I held my satchel tightly as I walked. I walked into the schoolyard, only to receive weird looks from the other students. I huffed out in annoyance. I noticed a blonde teen behind a sewer grate.

'What the hell...'

There were two blondes arguing over, what sounded like something to do with a business.

'Well... Let's try to make friends...'

I looked around and saw a shorter boy with messy orange hair talking to another boy with brown hair.

'Their shirts look almost the exact same—'

The boy with brown hair was wearing a blue shirt with three white stripes, and the redhead has a blue shirt with two stripes...

'They'll do!'

I smiled to myself before walking over.

"Hi... I'm (Y/N)" I said sticking my hand out for a handshake.

"I'm Jack, and this is Ozzy!" The brunette said happily while shaking my hand. -Yes, I'm making the player Jack because I've been binge-watching Jacksepticeye!-

I retracted my hand while smiling.

"Do you guys want to be friends? I kinda need some friends—" I said laughing a little.

"S-Sure... We'll be your friends." Ozzy said smiling.

"NUGGETS FRIEND! NUGGET NEEDS NUGGETS FRIEND'S HELP!!!" A nasally voice exclaimed making me jump.

"Nugget!" Jack ran off and I saw him crouch in front of the sewer grate from early on.

"What?" I asked raising my eyebrow while looking back at Ozzy.

"Nugget is Jack's best friend." Ozzy said smiling.

"Oh... Can you tell me who everyone is?" I asked smiling back.

"Sure! O-Okay, the blonde girl with pigtails is Cindy, she really mean, and she's currently dating that boy with grayish hair, his name is Bugs, he's also really mean." He paused for a second.

"The boy over there in the wheelchair is M-Monty, he will sell you stuff, the girl with brown hair is, Carla she's alright I-I guess..." Ozzy said seemingly as if he was finished.

"And..." I edged on.

"And? Oh yeah, the blonde girl in blue is Penny, she's... A snitch... And the two twins are, Ted and Felix, Felix is the one in blue, Ted is in red." Ozzy said contently.

"And the adults?" I asked.

"The blonde woman is Penny's mom, she's the principal. The bigger woman is Mrs. Applegate, the guy with the huge head is Dr. Danner, the nice-looking janitor is Bob, and the other janitor we just call him, Mr. Janitor" Ozzy finished as Jack came over with another blonde boy.

"Is this the boy Nuggets friend was telling Nugget about?" The blonde asked.

"Yeah." Jack said smiling.

"Hi, I'm (Y/N)." I said holding my hand out for a handshake.

"Nuggets name is Nugget, hello potential new friend of Nugget." He said shaking my hand.

The bell rang signaling the first period.

Life is still business|Felix x Male!Reader x Ted|Where stories live. Discover now