The start

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       "Where are we" said John."I don't know" Luna said. They look out a crack of the old Woden box they where in. "It is vary sunny and hot" Luna said. They sat there for a little longer than they open the top of the box and saw the outside world. "Wow this is amazing and the sun is so bright" said John. He is 6 and this is the first time he had been outside. Luna just looked and looked for a safe place out so they would not get caught. She quickly found a way but it was risky there where lots of people and pets everywhere. "Come on John we need to go and go fast" Luna said. They start running, past all the people and thought the woods till they saw a barn. It was a old barn but the needed somewhere to go. When the walked up they saw a bench. They wondered if they should sit there but they did anyway. While they where siting something was coming to them they thought it was a wolf but I was just a dog. It was a vary nice and friendly dog. They gave it some of there food and continue on. The dog would not stop following them. They eventually sat down and decided to see if something was wrong with the dog. After close examination the dog was fine. But it still would not stop following they decided to name it molly. They started walking again. But night fell fast . It got vary cold and dark. Both kids where scared because the herd lots of animals so they decided to set up camp. They made a fire and a place to sleep. As there where trying to fall asleep they herd a animals close by so they decided hide behind the tree. They had no clue what the animal was it could have been anything. After about 1 hour or 2 they where still hiding ,the animals past. There was a bear and her cubs and not to fare after them there was wolves. After the all left they decided it was safe to go back and fall asleep. So that is exactly what they did.

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