New Partner?

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"Fucking alarm clock..."
you curse while turning the massacre device off. It was 6 AM and you just finished your last day off, you really didnt want to go to work. You work as a police Detective alongside Hank Anderson at the DPD, you two have grown quite close over the years and regularly go out and do stuff together. You threw on a flannel shirt and black skinny jeans. You weren't a huge fan of your body, but there was nothing you could really do about it.

You walk into the kitchen to make yourself some breakfast. "Morning mom." You said to your mother who was half awake playing candy crush on her iPad. "Hush. It's too early..." she grumbled. "Welp... ok." You continued making your breakfast until you hear "sugar crush" from behind you. "........." you looked at your mother who was flipping off her game in triumph. "Wow...." you mutter. You grab your food and start putting your shoes on. You throw on your favorite leather jacket and grab your phone and started walking to work.

Half an hour later:
You walk into the office only to see Hank at his desk.... on time?? What a strange day... "morning Hank." You sigh as you walk past him toward your desk. "Oh.... good morning to you too kid.... for now." he mumbled. What did he mean by that...? Were they in trouble with Fowler? That's the last thing I need right now. It's too early, I'm tired and dont want to deal with any bullshit or hassle today.
You make your way into the break room for a cup of tea. You grab the kettle to fill it up with water and turn it on. You got a cup ready with sugar, milk and a teabag while you waited for the water to boil. Once it was ready, you poured the hot water into the mug and stirred it. You had a feeling it was gonna be a long day...

You walked back and sat at your desk and placed the mug down. After signing into your computer, you hear an unfamiliar voice. "Good morning Detective (l/n)." You jumped and spun around, looking the taller man in the face. "Who in the everloving fuck are you?" You raised your voice, causing Hank to look at you. "My name is Connor. I'm the android sent by cyberlife. I'm here to assist in investigating Deviancy with you and Lieutenant Anderson." You looked over at Hank who had his fingers up to his head and pretended to shoot himself. You just laughed at him and shook your head. "It was nice to meet you Connor. I'm sure Hank would love some company. I hear he likes talking about his dog." You say, instigating Connor. His eyes lit up as he ran over and started talking to Hank. He glared at me as if to say 'you'll regret this'. You look at Connor and your face turns red. For an android... he certainly was really cute... Wait... What were you thinking... Connor is an ANDROID. He would never like you back unless he deviated... even then you aren't the most attractive person... Someone like Connor? He could do so much better. You watched Connor as his face started to twitch, earning a confused and mildly disturbed look from Hank. "I just got a report of an android related homicide. We should go check it out." You looked at Hank who was grumbling like an old man who lost his slipper. "Alright (y/n) let's go. You looked at Hank and began following him. Connor walked in front of you both with perfect posture.

What am I thinking...?

We Dont Bleed The Same Colour- Connor X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now