Hell-like Monday

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It was Monday. The all time worst day of the week, the most hated day in existence world wide, beyond dimensions, hell even throughout the universe and across the multiverse. It was a day dreaded by all to say the least. So, naturally, it should have been common knowledge that today was going to be the worst day in the history of ever.

Unfortunately, Lienna Chang hadn't gotten the memo. The teen was as happy as could be as she walked home to eat during her two hour lunch break. She adjusted her pink face mask which covered her nose and mouth as she itched behind her ear. The smog that constantly blanketed the city made it hard to breathe, but that was nothing new for the china native.

She stopped at a cross walk and hit the metal circle on the nearby street lamp pole. As she waited for the walk sign she pulled out her pink iPod nano. Her mother had gotten it for her on her seventh birthday, all the way back in the ancient times of 2007. Fast forwards nine years later and it still worked like a charm despite it being seen as obsolete. Her thumb glided across the white circular dial as she scrolled through songs finally landing on one that she was in the mood for today.

Halo by the American singer Beyoncé blasted through her headphones as soon as she clicked the center circle. The song was in English, the translated version having been banned by the government before she had gotten the chance to download it, but Lienna didn't mind all that much. She was trying to learn the foreign language as best she could and music was a great way to do that.

The green walking man appeared in its little box and she resumed her journey pocketing her iPod once again. She adjusted her knapsack which was filled to the brim with all her schooling supplies. The zipper strained to remain closed and threatened to rip right at the seam if Lienna wasn't careful. The bag jumped up and down on her back as Lienna climbed the stairs that led to her and her mothers apartment the steps creaking underneath her feet.

"Mama! Wô Zàijiā!" Lienna called as she stepped through the rickety door that threatened to fall off its hinges at any moment.

"Ah, Ah, English only!" Her mother called back at her from where she stood in their crampt kitchen in front of the stove. "You need your practice."

"Mama, I'm home!" She repeated this time speaking in English. Slipping off her pink flats next to the welcome mat, she shut the door behind her. She took off her face mask sniffing the air as smells of dumplings wafted in from the kitchen, Lienna grinned, already imagining how good it was going to taste.

"How was your exam?" Her mother asked as her daughter set her book bag down on the floor with a thud. Yells of anger followed soon after along with loud banging that rattled the floorboards unsettling dust that gathered there.

"Gomen, Mr. Xiao!" Lienna yelled apologizing to their landlord on the first floor. She had no doubt ruined his daily alcohol induced nap yet again. Her mother rolled her eyes and pulled the cheap white ear bud out of her daughter's ear.

"Nevermind him." She instructed her daughter taking the pan off of the stove top placing some dumplings on both her plate and her daughters. "The exam?"

Lienna bit her bottom lip and shrugged as she settled into her chair. "I think it went good." She nudged a dumpling with her chopsticks poking at the food.

"But?" Her mother asked lifting her daughters chin up so she looked at her squarely. She eyed her sternly.

"I couldn't remember the right equations." Lienna admitted shamefully pouting her lips before rushing to assure her mother that she had indeed scored high enough for a passing grade. "But I-I think I got all the correct answers! I just did it my own way..."

Her mother smiled accepting the answer. "That's my girl." Her mother stole a dumpling off her daughters plate.

"Mama!" Lienna gasped hugging her plate protectively earning a laugh from her mother.

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