I Met a Superhero; I Lost Her; I Want Her Back

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"I met a superhero...I lost her.

I want her back.

She did things to me that

No one else could

And, I miss that." Luka finished up the song hitting the last syllable in his husky voice that came out when he was trying not to cry. Of course, the crowd went crazy. Luka swallowed and smiled sadly out at all the cheering fans. He'd planned to end the show on a lighter note, but he didn't think he had it in him to sing any more songs. He shot a look to Penny who was standing behind the curtain with a headset and a clipboard, and she seemed to understand. The backup singers and band members all set down their instruments and mics, signaling the end of the show.

  "Thank you so much, Paris! You've been as lovely as ever!" Luka shouted into the mic, and the crowd, although disappointed, screamed and clapped and cheered anyway. Luka usually walked right off the stage after the show ended, going to meet fans and sign autographs, and leaving his clean up crew to put away his equipment. Tonight, however, he sat on his chair, staring at the floor of the stage for a minute before gathering his thoughts enough to unplug his guitar from the amp. He looked out at the crowd again, watching as the people slowly filed out of the auditorium. He stood, turning away, then did a double take.

  And there she was. Golden hair, striking blue eyes, signature white and black striped shirt. Tonight she had styled it with yellow skinny jeans and a black leather jacket. 

And the golden comb with the bee in her hair. Of course she was wearing the comb. She was never without it.

 There she was, standing maybe ten feet from the stage, her arms crossed over her chest. Just looking straight at Luka.

She was supposed to be in New York. This very minute, she was supposed to be on campus at New York School of Design, in Retail Management, her least favorite class. Okay, so maybe he had memorized her schedule. So what.

But she wasn't. She wasn't in New York. She was here, in Paris, where she belonged. At Luka's show. Ten feet away from him. Standing there, staring him down, while the rest of the crowd shuffled out of the auditorium. Not very quickly, though. On top of it being a full house, standing-room-only, there were several who recognized the girl standing at the front of the crowd. Of course they did. One of the richest and most well-known girls in Paris, she was also one half of the couple who had been on the cover of every celebrity gossip magazine for the past two years. And then there was all the drama and the rumors about her leaving for New York. It was a whole break-up scandal, as far as the tabloids were concerned. He cheated on her. She cheated on him. She was only in it for the fame. He was only in it for the publicity. It was an arranged marriage. She was pregnant, and he was pressuring her to keep the baby. She joined a convent. Those were the most popular stories floating around.

None of them were even remotely close to the truth, of course. They never were.

The truth was this: she got accepted to New York School of Design. He was climbing the fame ladder with his music career. They both wanted something, and, unluckily for them, the things they wanted were on different continents. They didn't break up, not really. He still loved her, she still loved him. To be honest, he didn't know what was going on with them. All he knew was that while she was studying fashion in New York, he was playing shows all over Europe and missing her the whole time.

And yet here she was. And here was the confused crowd, watching, waiting to see what was going on between Paris's most infamous couple. Luka really couldn't blame them. 

He needed to say something. He was definitely supposed to say something right now. But his mind was completely blank. The only thought he could even fathom was her name. He said it, breathlessly. Because the sight of her, just the thought of her, took his breath away.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2019 ⏰

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