Lesson number 1~ Never wake people up it could be the death of you~

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I am living with my sister yui and our father  until i found out that everything and the life we live today is all a LIE. 

I never thought vampires and demons or any fairytale existed but not all fairytales are bad and some are neither good but me training and learning in secret till our father sends us to leaching animals is already giving me the lust to kill.

Well i was just a unsociable person and invisible to people around me, i knew the fact that nobody notices me or even cares i just don't seem to care or even try and fight the demons inside me.

 I listen to and make music, i love reading and sleeping i even sleep during class not that anybody notices. I dream of my near soon to be death and some certain peoples death when ever i touch them so i try and change them.

 From the time to time i was betrayed whenever someone notices me, i didn't notice until i hacked into the the schools exams that i was nowhere to be seen than i realised i didn't exist anywhere or to any body only the two people i live with.

I wear glasses and i give off a gloomy and scary feeling that some people who do notice me just just run away. Than i was told that i were going to live with the sakamaki brothers and yui was just told that she was going to live in the BIG house.

Skip to when they arrive~~

When we arrived i knocked on the door and nobody answered so yui went inside while i sighed of how rude and naive she could be sometimes. As we enter yui ran to the red headed boy who was lying on the couch.

He looked pale and sleeped almost like he was dead and yui touched his wrist she told me he had no pulse so leaned in to touch but with one touch it made me shudder of the feeling of darkness and unloving the memories that filled my mind it was his.

He was drowning in the large poodle and was screaming out to his mother to help him but she just turned her head and vanished as i let go i was out of the memory and the boy stood up and spoke "WHO ARE YOU AND WHAT ARE DOING IN MY HOUSE!?" more like screamed which made me a little frustrated so ignored him.

Than boys popped out of nowhere and one was angry and one was playing with teddy and one was  sleeping on the couch and one was well lets just say he had the aura of 'i'm so much better than you' 

I sat near a couch and slept but the others didn't notice until yui said "wait where's freya!?" and they all looked at the other couch "what the when did you get here" the red headed ask

I sat near a couch and slept but the others didn't notice until yui said "wait where's freya!?" and they all looked at the other couch "what the when did you get here" the red headed ask

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 i sat up and then gave of them a smile and than the aura of flowers but ruined the moment when i said "i was here the whole fucken time you leachers" and i turned to yui and said 

" and that's why my naive and stupid sister is why you should never wake up people in their sleep just look at the red headed monkey and gorilla boy they want to kill someone and you my dear are seeking death so i think it's a perfect match"

"the guy with the aura 'im so perfect' could you bring us to our rooms" i turned to say to the glasses boy he frowned and before he could say anything i said " don't worry i know all of your names father told me now could you lead the way" 

He sighed and i sighed copying his move just to show him i could do what he could do he walked off while me and yui followed i was next door to yui but had the feeling of being watched i didn't mind so i unpacked my stuff and was ready to sleep until 

The playboy was on my bed i kicked him off by surprise he disappeared serves him right i thought i slept not knowing five guys were watching.

Sakamaki brothers pov

'Well this is very intriguing i had never met someone so confident and odd hmm well this is going to be fun'


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