Roughed up

548 14 2

Third person POV

After driving home all four boys were ready to just drop dead. The inside of the car looked like an absolute murder scene. Jake had lost an unhealthy amount of blood, Danny's slash somehow opened even more, and Josh's head was split. Sam was able to walk away with minor injuries, such as bruises. And even in the immense amount of pain, Jake was still able to call him a 'lucky son of a bîtch'. When they had arrived the other three boys rushed inside to get help from their sisters who were already waiting. Sam stayed behind and grabbed Rose who was still left unconscious. He carried her all the way to the small building structure that sat behind their home, it was like a warehouse. It was quite the few yards away but he made it. He went into one of the rooms and sat her in a chair in the middle. He tied her up even more and added some chains too just to make sure. He left the one little light on that hung from the ceiling and then made his way out. So now all four boys sat in the large kitchen being attended to with their injuries.

"Get this fûcking thing out of me!" Jake roared at his sister. He laid flat across the table with his shirt off, blood was already everywhere. The bullet was still stuck inside him, Ronnie was trying everything she could to remove the bullet without causing disruption to the rest of his body. But he wasn't helping.

"Keep yelling at me like that and I might just leave it in" Ronnie said applying pressure to the area. She took tweezers and shoved it into the wound earning a loud screech from her older brother and tons of profanities along with it. She pulled the bullet out and tossed it into a bowl next to her. She started stitching up the cavity immediately.

Across the kitchen Danny sat in a chair with his eyes closed tightly. His sister stitching up the deep cut on his upper arm. He was trying not to make a sound but couldn't help the pain that ran through him. He grunted as his young sister pulled aggressively at the string with each new sew.

"Jesus Jo" he said through gritted teeth, gripping tightly to his thigh.

"Sorry, if I don't get this done soon you're gonna loose a lot of blood" she said in return, fixing her glasses so she could see where to put the needle next.

Next to them was Josh and Sam. Josh sat on a stool and Sam stood above him. The split in Josh's forehead was bad, but not too bad. He didn't need stitches at least. Sam picked out the small pieces of glass that was left behind. Being extra cautious where he stuck the tweezers. Soon that part was over and he got to cleaning it. Josh was oddly silent through the process which weirded out Sam a little.

"You ok down there?" Sam questioned his brother, still treating the wound.

"I'm about to pass out and there's still blood in my eyes" Josh answered back in a calm voice. Sam glanced down and saw his eyes closed. There's nothing he could do so he shrugged it off and continued to bandage off his forehead.

"Alright, all done J" Sam said stepping back a little. There was a sigh of relief from Josh as be slid down the stool a little. He opened his eyes and then rubbed them.

"Thanks" He said back, he got up and went to go check on his twin who was moaning and groaning from pain. He took a seat at the table right beside Jakes head. There was a layer of sweat covering his body. The stitches were already done but Ronnie poured a substance over the wound which sent Jakes body into shock as it started bubbling. He screamed out in pain.

"Oh don't be a baby, I have to clean it" Ronnie said, she soon whipped it away with a cloth and water. Putting a bandage over it and covering it with medical tape. She stepped away to see how Danny's stitches were going.

"Word of advice, don't get shot" Jake said titling his head at his brother. Josh laughed a little. He got up and grabbed Jakes forearm and gently helped him sit up. He hissed at the pain surrounding his abdomen. Sam tossed him his shirt, which was a plaid button up. He slipped it on but left it open. Jake reached into his pocket and slid out a crushed and soggy pack of cigarettes. He lit one up and started smoking it.

"There's no smoking in the house Jacob" Ronnie said while helping Josie with Danny.

"I do not give a dámn" Jake said exhaling the smoke. Ronnie rolled her eyes, "at least I'm doing it in front of you, I could try to hide it like Sam" Jake finished.

"That's because I don't smoke cigarettes, I smoke weed" Sam said from his spot at the table.

"By the way Sam, just because you open the window doesn't mean the smell goes away. That shit travels to my room" Danny said with his head leaning back, eyes still closed. Ronnie tied off the rest of the thread. She poured the same liquid over it and whipped it. Putting a bandage with tape. Danny only hissed a little because it burned but stopped when she was done. She walked over to Jake and grabbed the cigarette from his mouth and threw it in the sink. He glared at her for it but didn't say anything.

"What are you guys going to do about Rose?" Josie said. Josh looked at her.

"Leave her in the warehouse for now, get some sleep and probably talk to her tomorrow" Josh replied. Josie nodded glancing at him, he gave her a smile to try and lighten her spirit. This was pretty intense for her age.

"Sleep sounds pretty good right about now" Danny said. Sam nodded along as he let out a big yawn.

"Let's get you boys up to bed" Ronnie said, going over to Jake. She lifted his arm over her shoulder and helped him walk out the kitchen. Everyone else trailed behind. Once they were all situated, Ronnie offered to share Jakes bed for the night in case anything happened with his wound. She was most concerned about that at the moment. The rest went to bed too. Another long day awaited them.

(Okuuuur, so that's the chapter. Hope you like :) but other than that have any of you shared a bed with your siblings before? I'm the youngest out of 4 and I shared a bed with all of them before. ALSO, Josie is gonna be pretty young in this book. Idk her actual age but yeah)

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