Percy is an ASSASSIN?

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(I do not own AC or PJO)

Annabeth's P.O.V

"Chiron why are we out here in the middle of the night?"I asked a little pissed off because it is 5:00am."Because my child we are getting a new camper."He answered. "He better not be a wimp."Clarisse mumbled."Shouldn't he be escorted by a protector?"Grover said. "No" Chiron answered "He is well trained by an old friend, Oh here he is now!" We all looked over the boundary and saw a figure running faster than a hellhound toward us,I know this because he was being chased by a horde of them.

He jumped onto Thalia's tree, bounced off and did a back flip in the air and landed perfectly onto the Athena cabin,threw a dagger towards the hellhounds and it exploded when the smoke finally cleared all that was left was a pile of gold ashes. He front flipped off of my cabin and landed onto the ground in front of Chiron,that is when I got a clear view of him. He wore white hood with white robes a red utility belt around his waist. He also wore black gloves on both his hands with some kind of weird metal plating around it,and a dark red half cape and a crest on both his armor (that I thought was weird)and sash that held a bow with arrows and a three foot long celestial bronze sword, and along his utility belt was more of those exploding daggers.

He walked over to Chiron and gave him a huge hug "Come stai" he said in what I thought was Italian."Percy how have you been, and these people don't speak Italian so can you stick with English for the time that you are here?"Chiron asked.Then Clarisse,surprisingly stepped up and said,"Cool can you teach me that!"."Sure" he laughed I stepped in and asked who is your parent ?" He smiled mischievously and looked at Chiron who was also smiling and asked,"This camp has a lake right?" Chiron nodded. He looked at the new camper, Jessica, and asked her with a smile,"Will you show me where it is since you are so beautiful?" She blushed so bad that you could see it in the darkness."Sure.",She said with a giggle.

Percy is an ASSASSIN?Where stories live. Discover now