That tame little thing

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Kylie Bllod Hated Maddy since the day she moved to Stoney Bridge. She barely knew her, but she knew enough. Maddy was a wolfblood, thats all she needed. Maddy was tame, never fought in her life. She didn't appreciate the forest the way Kylie did.

Kylie stretched her neck, rolling her head from side to side. She sat in the middle of class, right behind Maddy and her "boyfriend" Rhydian. She hated Maddy for being tame, but she really hated her from taking Rhydian away. She liked Rhydian the moment they met, and Kylie was positive he liked her back. She felt sad thinking about it. Poor Rhydian, he must miss her soo much, his instincts to come back to her must be destroying him. Kylie was certain he was just being nice to Maddy and he missed her every second of every day like she did. And that helped ease the pain, just a little.

The teacher walked into the room, gazing around to see if anyone had their cells out. Kylie looked across the room, Shannon and Tom sat at the desk next to the tame one and Rhydian. Shannon was nice, but she didn't see how Maddy put up with her. The girl was obsessed with cameras. It drove Kylie mad, she glaced over to Tom. He was looking at Maddy, like always. Everyone knew he fancied her, but no one said it out loud. Kylie looked back at the teacher who was sorting things on his desk, he was always organizing something. She sighed and something moved out of the corner of her eye, she spun around in her chair.

It was just some girls passing notes. She always wondered what it would be like, as petty as it seemed Kylie never had a real friend. Unless trees count, all she had was Shannon and she really didnt even like her. She sighed and rested her chin on the palm of her hand. Kylie felt something jab her in the back, what the? She turned around to look but there was just a piece of paper on the floor. And she was in the back row. No one sat behind her. Weird, Kylie thought as she bent down to grab the paper.

Kylie unravled the balled up paper, her hands working frantically but slow enough to not tear it. She finally got it open and read what was writting crudely on the paper.

Meet me at the back of school , at exactly the time we get out

Signed, Maddy

Kylie cursed at herself mentally, damn it, now i have to talk to the tame one after school. Wait, Maddy sat directly infront of her and the note came from behind. Was she being tricked?

Kylie shook the thought from ner head, Maddy wrote it, the paper smelled like her. Someone must've delivered it for her.

The rest of the day dragged by slowly, Kylie barely survived arithmetic. All the teacher did was drone on and on about integers and 3.24-something. It was a miracle she was still sane. The only time in school she enjoyed was when Maddy got an answer wrong.  She had to pinch herself to stay awake in literature. "Now, who knows the answer to number two in your books?" The teacher called out, his eyes darting to Shannon, who answered everything. But even she was dozing off, her red hair falling forward over her shoulders.  Kylie tapped her foot, she would be chosen soon to answer. Suddenly,  Maddy raised her hand. Kylie's head shot up, yes, finally! This is going to be good, she thought. "Is it B?" Maddy asked, tilting her head so she looked as if she was thinking.  "Yes, Maddy it is B" the teacher turned to write the answer on the board and Kylie groaned.

The part of school she hated most was when Maddy got an answer correct. Kylie looked back down at her book. Wait a minute, she thought, the answer is C, Maddy and the teacher got it wrong! Kylies hand shot up like a rocket, "Yes, Kylie?" He asked . "You and Maddy got the answer wrong" She said, spitting out Maddy's name.

"Really,  what is it then?"

"C, is the correct answer"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2014 ⏰

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