Calculators- Ryden/Rydon oneshot.

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Brendon's POV

"Mr Urie, I need a calculator!" Ryan Ross called out just as the class went silent and I sighed, having to fight back a smile.

I got up and handed him a scientific calculator, making him grin lopsidedly and I ignored the feeling of my heart skipping a beat as he did so. What else do you expect me to do? I'm his teacher.

I knew Ryan was done with his work, he was a smart kid. I didn't know what he was doing with the calculator and I didn't know what was the cause for the cheeky smile on his beautiful face but I trusted him, Ryan always has his work done first, but he always asks for help. Even though he doesn't need help. There are rumors going around that he is gay and has a crush on me but I wont believe them, its a high school and rumors happen. Even though I wanted desperately for the kid to bend me over a table and screw me until I could no longer walk, It wouldn't happen because he is my student and he probably isn't even gay.

The bell went signaling the end of the day and everyone left the class but Ryan lingered, waiting until everyone was gone to hand the calculator back to me. 

"Thanks, Ry. See you tomorrow." I smiled and he just winked at me and walked towards the door, confusing me.

"Oh and sir, you better check the calculators. I think I saw Dallon drawing in the back of one of the covers." Ryan bit his lip to hide his grin and I nodded as he left the room.

I picked up the calculator Dallon had been using and shook my head, there was nothing at all written in the cover.

I frowned in confusion and picked up the calculator Ryan had been using, he hadn't cleared the sum he was writing so I looked at it.

( . Y . ) X  8--D √

Are you serious?

Well, I guess that answers the gay question.


On Tuesday when he returned the calculator he had left me another sum 


When I read it, it seemed innocent enough. Ryan was a hormonal teenage boy, of course he was going to make a penis on a calculator.

Then on Wednesday when he returned the calculator he had left me another, this one a lot less innocent.

F me

By then I started to have sexual dreams about him, as wrong as they may have seemed I couldn't help but want and long for them to be true. And then on Thursday he left me something else.


That really got to me, I didn't know I had a daddy kink but now all I want if for Ryan to call me daddy all the time. 

Now it was Friday and my heart was pounding, my year twelve class piled in to the warm classroom and groaned as they saw the air conditioning was broken.

"Guys! Sit in your seats and pull out your textbooks. I know it's hot but there is nothing I can do about it." I sighed and the students continued to grumble to themselves as they got their textbooks out of their backpacks. I had three of my buttons undone, leaving some of my chest exposed. I ignored the gazes from the teenage girls in the front row that had their boobs pushed out who were giving me flirtatious looks.

All I could concentrate on was Ryan's gaze on my chest, he licked his lips and flicked his eyes up to my eyes.

His cheeks flushed and he sunk into his seat as he realized I had caught him staring.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2014 ⏰

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