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I remember getting dolled up so we could go hang out with your friends at the pumpkin patch. I can't do my make up, we know that my sister does it for me. I met your friends for the first time, it was only three days into us actually be boyfriend and girlfriend. I was shy and I mean your friends....or at least one of those friends was very outgoing. 

We went through the corn maze and we met some random people who were very nice to hang with, because it was me and then three guys. I'm pretty sure I lost you, I kinda got kicked out of the maze for the fact that we exited from not the exit. I think you found the exit, I don't know though.

We also went on the haunted hay ride thing. I had to pee the whole ride, so it was not a good experience for me. You know me though, I get scared very easily. I know that I felt out of place, I was one girl with a bunch of guys. I'm super tall and you aren't that tall, so maybe we look goofy. I don't know, it use to bother me but fuck it. I love you and you love me, so why should it matter.

We ended up getting pumpkins and then you took some to a parking lot and ran them over. I'm pretty sure that was what happened. We did take the good ones home and said we would carve them. 

You came over the next week or so and we carved them with my sister. But first we went and got Mexican food with my sister. That was the time you stole the cup not knowing that you stole it. You brought it to the car and took a sip realizing that you did take the cup. My mom threw a fit saying we needed to return it but we didn't. It was an accident and that was embarrassing to bring it back. We watched Charlie Brown while we carved, but I can't take credit. It was mostly my sister and you. We did make pumpkin seeds and that was a team effort.

We hung out the next day and it was a lazy day at your place. Which was probably just cuddling, I love cuddling. We came back to my place and we had my sister take pictures of us. It was mostly me who made her do it. You couldn't care less but it made me happy so you did it. There was some really cute photos. We are a cute couple no matter what other people say. 

Now my favorite thing we ever did, I want to go back. Fairhaven was the best thing we ever did. Cute small town, we went through all the small stores. 

The food was fucking amazing, the best fish and chips I've ever had. It was such a cute place to get food. I remember you telling me your family would always come here once a year. I felt lucky to be a part of something special to you. You got us matching sweaters from the fish and chips place. We will definitely be embarrassing parents but I love that. That means we are doing our job, right?

After that we went down the boardwalk for the sunset. It was cold and we wanted to hold hands so we shoved our hands in my pocket. I would say meet me in my pocket, might have sounded weird, but you got it. 

We ended up talking about what we wanted in our future and ended up naming birds we saw. I would give them funny voices and you thought it was hilarious. You know me I love to make you laugh and I'm pretty fucking good at it. We talked about how many kids we wanted. You told me how you loved that I was straightforward. I didn't want to fuck around, I wanted to see if you could be my future. 

We just talked and talked, everything you said was perfectly how I wanted my future to be. We fit hand and hand and I fucking loved your company. You are so easy to talk to and you are a great person. I'm so thankful for you.

We got coffee at the Woods coffee shop.....that's when I discovered my obsession for Chai tea lattes. We sat outside on the water watching the sunset. You had your polaroid and you were taking great shots. You took a horrible one of me but you were in love with it for some reason.

I got one of you and I put it in my phone case so I could see it whenever I wanted to. I think I said the sunset was beautiful and you said that cheesy line "but my view is better". Being the person you are, I'm sure you did say it. 

You got these girls to take a picture of us together with the sunset fully going down. I looked funny but we are cute as hell. You have that photo up on your Polaroid string light above your bed. You put it so every night that is the main one you see.....fuck, I love you.

When we were walking back to the car, I realized that as dumb as this sounds, I was falling in love with you. It had been less than two months of me knowing you but I could look at you and have different feelings than I have ever had before. Our conversations flowed so easily and everything just felt so right. I was already head over heels for you. You are so handsome and you have a dorky smile but I'm in love with it. I love you with scruff and without it. 

I didn't say anything cause I knew that I wasn't for sure. But I can say that it was a feeling that I have never felt with any of the other guys I have been with. We just started dating and I knew that I wanted you to be the one.

We went back to my house and you met my best friend for the first time. We hung out with my best friend and my sister. Watched movies in my basement and I fell asleep. You guys all judged the way I sleep. You came and cuddled next to me. Later you left and I hung out with my best friend and sister. You are my person and I'm so thankful for you. 


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