
18 1 1

"No! Damion, I am sick and tired of you constant control over me. It's sickening! Your lucky I haven't leaked the word to my mother and father that you treat me like absolute shit!"

Daria was needless to say, furious. Her soon to be husband from the kingdom of Nexus couldn't seem to keep his head out of his ass. He always thought he had complete control over Daria Kron's life, her soon to be husband in this arranged marriage set up by Daria's parents, King, and Queen of Alkarion. However, Daria didn't take kindly to Damion's controlling and manipulative nature. More than anything, she wanted to leave this kingdom. Find someone worthy of her love. Was it so much to ask?

"Look, Daria, I'm not sure what you getting at. I'm the man in this relationship. Therefore, I hold the power and you do not. You are a woman, you do as I say and serve under me. Is that clear?" he stated with an unwavering smirk, amused at her attempts to silence him.

'This misogynistic bastard!'

"You just wait for it you scumbag. Once I tell my parents about your actions towards me, you will be long gone. I will make sure you are remembered as the lowest of the low." Daria glared into Damion's soul, menacingly. Eyes hungry for revenge.

Damion laughed at her response, viewing it yet again as pitiful.

"Ha! Good luck sweetheart! I'd love to see you try. Your parents already adore me, they seem to favor me over you. Their daughter! Also, you say that you will tell dear old mommy and daddy, but you can't seem to keep your promises. How sad, I had faith in you princess. You truly are not worthy of me marrying you, but! Don't worry. Soon after our marriage is complete, your gone. And Alkarion is mine."

Daria froze in place, unsure of what to do next. Her eyes went as wide as saucers, mouth going dry, unable to form words properly.

"What princess?" He leaned in closer, lifting her chin slowly. Staring at her with cold eyes and an unwavering smirk. "Say something. I dare you, princess."

Those 6 cold words hammered into Daria's heart like an ice-cold dagger. 'This, no. He couldn't. He... He wouldn't. He won't.'

That was the final straw for Daria. Damion instantaneously earned a slap to the face and a knee to the crotch, followed by Daria slamming the chamber doors closed. Damion winced in pain, black stars clouding his vision due to hitting the side table next to him. "God... GOD FUCKING DAMMIT DARIA-"

Daria was on the run by now down the halls. She quickly found her way to the stables, grabbing her satchel and mounting her white Boulonnais horse, Winter. She tugged on his reins as the guards opened the Gates, then proceeded to gallop away into the village.

~timeskip brought to you by flex tape. That's a lot of damage!~

Daria soon entered the village, slowing Winter down and breathing a sigh of utmost relief. She checked several times to see if anyone had followed her here, making her nerves increasingly tenser.

She soon tied Winters reigns to a nearby post and slumped down the side of a local tavern sighing, tears threatening to spill from her eyes.

"Love? Are you alright?"

Daria looked up at who spoke and it's as if the entire world froze for a minute. The girl had beautiful ringlets of phoenix fire hair, sapphire eyes that sparkled in the sunlight and soft freckled skin that had a beautiful natural glow. She had never seen a human being this beautiful; it reminded her of a goddess.

'Dammit, Daria snap out of it! She asked you something so just answer her!'

"O-Oh! Yes, I'm fine. Thank you for asking."

"Are you sure? You seemed to almost be on the verge of crying."


The girl took a step back in fear, petrified of what the Princess would do next.

"I-I'm so sorry... I'll just take my leave then"

Daria quickly rose from her spot and grabbed the girls wrist.

"No, wait!"

To the girl before Daria, the Princess was one of the most beautiful girls she had ever seen. Soft, long brunette beach waves adorned her head, Emerald eyes that looked at her and showed underlying secrets, soft glossy lips, and glowing skin. Even if she was slightly shorter than her (she stifled a laugh at the thought) she couldn't believe what she took in before her.


"No buts. I'm genuinely sorry for how I acted just now. I have no idea what came over me."

The girl said no words, but instead softly hugged Daria. The princess had no idea how to respond but hugged back anyways.

"It's alright I forgive you."

"Thank you." The princess said as tears started to fall from her cheeks, silent sobs escaping her lips.

"Now, why don't we sit down and talk about what happened?"

"But, you hardly know me. Isn't that strange?"

"Not at all if you are offering someone your care if they are hurt. By the way, let's introduce ourselves. I'm Anastasia." The girl held her hand out towards Daria's direction.

"I'm Daria, but you probably already know me since I'm your princess. But it's nice to meet you, Anastasia." She said shaking Anastasia's hand.

Anastasia sat down on the grass and pat the spot next to her.

"Let's discuss, shall we?"

A/N: Oh wow, my first chapter oh my gosh! I can't believe I just did that. I'm very much proud of myself for doing this, and I can't wait to write more! Let me know what you think in the comments, I'd love to hear your feedback!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2019 ⏰

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