Juliet wakes up . Gabriel is worried about her but Damion is unhappy

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Juliet turned around in the bed, at first she thought she was still asleep and dreaming, then she was almost sure about it. The bed she was laying in wasn't the same one she fell asleep in last night, it was huge and had large bedposts and a canopy and the bedsheets were made of a silky smooth black material. The light was dim and she carefully got up and wandered around the room and went to the door, it was locked. Juliet started to feel afraid, she closed her eyes and tried to concentrate on waking up but her head filled with a buzzing noise that got louder and louder until she fainted.

Gabriel carefully assessed his reflection in the mirror, although his wounds would heal faster than a humans they had been critical, if he hadn't been able to heal himself using white magic they would have killed him. He jumped when he heard someone laughing behind him and quickly turned around. "You sure are vain to care about your appearance so much.", a young man said teasingly behind him and Gabriel sighed. "It didn't occur to you that seeing me like this might scare the girl even more?", he answered the young man that had startled him just smirked. "Don't worry, I locked the door.", he just said and laughed and Gabriel sighed again. "I doubt she even has the strength to get out of bed right now you know?", Gabriel said while sadly shaking his head.

When Juliet woke up again she was still laying in the unfamiliar bed but now the room was bright and a man sat next to her looking at her worriedly. She immediately tried to get up but the buzzing noise in her head made her collapse. "You shouldn't try to do too much, even if the wounds you sustained aren't visible anymore your body is still exhausted.", the man next to her spoke with a soft tone but Juliet swallowed nervously. "What wounds? The last thing I remember is going to bed and then I woke up here and where am I!?", at first she sounded nervous but then almost yelled. They heard laughter coming from the now open door and the young man suddenly appeared there. "Amnesia! Adorable.", he was grinning as Gabriel turned towards him. "Shut up Damion.", he sternly cautioned the young man who took a step backwards in obviously fake fear. "Calm down angel boy, I want to work together with you just as little as you want to work together with me.", he sounded annoyed and that was the last thing Juliet remembered before she felt how the buzzing in her head get worse and lost consciousness.

The Last World With The Separating Crystal (Part One of Adventurers In Hell)Where stories live. Discover now