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Bright and Pick looked like they could have been twins, there were differences, subtle if they didn't speak and tried to fool people by dressing the same, but the truth was neither wanted to. Their mothers were twin sisters who married twin brothers and that was so weird in their opinion, not to mention they got pregnant three months apart. So there they were, twin cousins; who ever heard of such a thing? Despite their drastically different personalities the two boys had been raised together and were quite close. Only having gotten closer when Pick's mother passed.

Bright had found himself entirely shocked when he met Rome, the adorable freshman pretty much had his cousin's number in his opinion, but he just sat back and watched. If he were honest, Rome would be just his type physically when it came to guys. Bright was pretty sure he was also Pick's and knew it was just his own restricted personality that was holding Pick back. He'd wished he'd been around from the start for the show honestly but SOTUS hazing had taken over his life there for a while, plus the whole Arthit and Kongpob drama.

He'd loved telling Pick that story! Pick had teased Arthit so much that Bright's friend had left a bruise on his arm where he'd punched him. It hadn't stopped Arthit from having Kong called when he drank too much to remember his address and it had left the Hazer Gang grinning at the couple as the younger lovingly took their grumpy friend out even as he was getting threatened. All while Pick just watching in wide-eyed shock.

The next day Bright had been helping out in the shelter-club-thing his cousin and his bestie ran, "I told you he was dating Kongpob now. I can't believe you didn't believe me." Bright filled a dog food bowl.

"Yeah, well, you tend to exaggerate! I mean, you said the brat told Arthit he was going to make Arthit his fucking wife how could I take that seriously and believe he was even still breathing?" Pick defended himself. "If Toota didn't have that clip on Facebook, I'd never have believed that wife thing either." Looking at his watch Pick frowned and looked at the door with worry. "You have weird friends, by the way."

He goes to feed Emma's cat, despite the fact that it was usually Rome's job. It's then that Bright realizes Rome isn't just running behind. He's late, by at least almost thirty minutes, and that accounts for Pick's worried looks at the door. "Hey, I'm sure the Little Bit can keep himself out of trouble. If not, he'd contact you, right?"

"No!" Pick snapped at his cousin. "He won't. Because he's a prideful little shit that insists he can take care of himself!"

Raising a brow Bright sighed and crossed his arms, "So he's avoiding you? What stupid thing did you do or say to him?"

"Hey! What makes you think I did anything to him? Or that he's avoiding me?" Pick stands up straiter glaring at his cousin now.

"Little Bit usually looks at you like the sun shines out of your ass. He doesn't waste the time he gets to spend with you. I've certainly never seen him be this late and he would have rushed in here panting for air and sweating." Bright crossed his own arms. "Come on, you can't pretend you don't know how he feels. That's cruel, Pick."

"I'm not pretending anything! We're working some shi-" The door swung open to laughter, bright uplifting sounds that were not at all when either cousin was expecting from the late member of the club.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2022 ⏰

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