Prologue: Like Father, Like Daughter

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*About 2 Weeks after Tony's funeral*

I was standing in front of a mirror in a conference room, the blue blouse I'm wearing was unbuttoned as I continued to stare at the large scar on my stomach. I take a deep breath then let it out, shakily, as I run my index finger over it, the scar started right under my bra then it ended just above my hip.

I take in a quick, sharp intake of breath once I touched the scar, It still felt like it was bruised. Sometimes I still feel that blade in my stomach and I start to feel tears forming in my eyes as I stare at this scar.


I look up to see dad and Thanos trading blows at each other until dad's right hand turns into a blade and he tries to stab the Titan. But Thanos grabs the blade, breaks it off of his hand, I gasped and made a quick decision, all I could think of was my father. I didn't care about my well-being. I fly towards them and stand in front of my dad, making the Titan stab me in the stomach.

I let out a gasp and stare at Thanos in shock as Thanos pulls the blade out. "NOO!" Dad screams as I fall backwards, blood dripping out of the corner of my mouth. Dad comes over and cradles me in his arms, his eyes welling up with tears. "Baby girl?" He said, tearfully. I look up at him and give a small, but weak, smirk at him. As long as he's alive...that's all that matters. I thought as dad runs his hand over my face.

"You and your daughter have my respect, Stark. When I'm done, half of humanity will still be alive. I hope they remember you." Thanos said and he aims the gauntlet at dad and I, both of us stare up at him in fear.

*Present Day*

Suddenly, a knock on the door breaks me away from the memory and I quickly button up my shirt. "Come in." I called out as I button the last two buttons then the door opens and I see Pepper walking in, holding Morgan's hand. "Hey, sweetie." She said as she walks in. "Hey, mom." I said. Yeah, I've recently been calling her mom, I mean she's been the closest thing to a mom to me a good chunk of my life so why not?

"Sissy!" Morgan said as she comes over to me. I smile and kneel down as she runs into my arms. "Hey, Morgan." I said, the smile never leaving my face, hugging her. I swear I've only know her for a few weeks and she's already got me wrapped around her little fingers. I would do anything for her. Is this how you felt, Dad? When I came into your life?

"You okay? You seem....perturbed." Pepper said as she walks up to me. "Do I?" I asked and she nods. "Oh...I-I just..." I stammered then I sigh as I stand back up. "I'm just nervous...about this conference. I mean, they're wondering on who the next Iron Man or the next hero is gonna be and I...I feel like that they should know that there are still heroes out there to protect them." I replied as I look down at my hands.

"Are you sure you want to do this? I don't have to..." Pepper said but I shake my head. "I have to. I need at least ease everyone's mind at least...." I said and Pepper nods while Morgan takes my hand. I smile down at her then we start to walk out of the room.

"Miss Stark! Miss Stark! Miss Stark!" Several voices of the paparazzis' and reporters call out as I walk up to the podium. "Yes, hello! Thank you guys for coming." I said. "Miss Stark! I'm sorry to interrupt this but....what exactly is this about?" One reporter asked. "I know, it's weird for a sixteen year old to call in a press conference...but you guys do know who my dad is.....was, right?" I said, giving a sad smile, and the press give a small chuckle.

I bite my lips as I look down. Then I push back a loose strand of hair to the back of my ear as I let out a small chuckle. "Sorry, I thought this would be easy..." I said as I look up at them. "Just take your time, sweetie. We understand." A female reporter said, sweetly. "Thank you." I said to her, softly, and she nods.

I take another deep breath then look towards the crowd. "I know one of the last time dad had a press conference, he announced a new member of the team. You guys also keep asking what is next for the Avengers? And are they still around?" I said as some photographers take pictures, the flashing lights from their cameras were blinded me for a few moments.

"The truth is...I'm not sure. But I do know that one of the new members, Iron Angel, will be honoring my father's name while I'll help run Stark Industries, like my father and grandfather before me." I said and one reporter raises their hand. "Yes?" I said to the reporter. "Yes, this Iron Angel, how do we know she is capable to protect us?" The reporter asked me.

"She is one of the most capable person ever to keep this world safe. My father had trained her and gave her pointers before he died. And therefore, he approved of her." I replied. "But it is odd that this new person, who we've never really heard of and barely know, just comes waltzing in and decides to take over Iron Man's place, no questions asked?" The reporter said and I bite back my anger.

"She's not taking over my father's spot, she just feels like she owes it to my father to try and step up and do her best to save people. He was her hero. Just like he was everyone's hero." I replied then I stopped and said, in a choked up voice. "My hero."

"How do you know? Do you know her?" The reporter asked and I look over at him. "As a matter of fact I do." I said before I let out another sigh. "I remember when my father announced, to you guys and the world, that he was Iron man. I mean I couldn't believe how brave he was. And in the spirt of him being brave...." 

I look around at the reporters and got a serious case of dejá vú. That moment when dad stood before these people, so many years ago, flashed before my mind.


"And now, Mr. Stark has prepared a statement. He will not be taking any questions. Thank you." Uncle Rhodey said and he steps aside from the podium while dad walks over to it. "Been a while since I was in front of you. I figure I'll stick to the cards this time." He said, making the reporters laugh. Dad clears his throat and begins to read from the cards. "There's been speculation that I was involved in the events that occurred on the freeway and the rooftop..."

"I'm sorry, Mr. Stark, but do you honestly expect us to believe that that was a bodyguard in a suit that conveniently appeared, despite the fact that you..." Christine, this really annoying reporter, started to ask but dad talks over her. "I know that it's confusing. It is one thing to question the official story, and another thing entirely to make wild accusations, or insinuate that I'm a superhero." He replied.

"I never said you were a superhero." She sneered with a smile, which obviously threw my dad off guard. "Didn't? Well, good, because that would be outlandish and fantastic. I'm just not the hero type. Clearly. With this laundry list of character defects, all the mistakes I've made, largely public." He said and Uncle Rhodey leans over to him and whispers something to him and dad whispers back. Then Uncle Rhodey backs away and stands up straight. "The truth is..." Dad starts to say as he looks down at the cards. He looks up at the crowd as they take pictures then he tosses the cards down on the podium.

"I am Iron Man." He admitted and the reporters went crazy as they stood up, took pictures and started asking questions. Meanwhile, Pepper stood there, her mouth agape, while I smiled and jumped at the balls of my feet. I was really proud of my dad that day.

*Present Day*

Is this what it felt like, Dad? Standing before these people as the camera lights flashed before your eyes and your heart beating faster than a jack hammer? Were you this nervous when you revealed who you were? Were you scared? You made it look so easy! I thought as I look around at the press as they continued to take pictures.

I sighed again then look down. "This is for you, Daddy." I whispered, softly, before I look up back at the press. "I am Iron Angel." I announced. And just like what happened to dad, the press went crazy as they all stood up, took more pictures and started asking questions.

And I couldn't help but smile at this. I hope I'm making the right decision. I hope I make you proud, Daddy. I thought.

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