Capitulo 1: The Beginning

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Chapter 1

Once Upon a Time there were 3 women, 2 daughters (Maribel and Maricela) and a mother (Maria). One of the daughters (Maribel) was pregnant with twins. Maribel knew that they were twins but was unsure. Then came the day when she gave birth to twins, her mother didn't come and the Dr didn't let Maricela in the room, Maribel saw one of the twins but she passed out and didn't get to see the other twin but... Dr. Fernando Ontiveros stole one of them and gave it to her sister, Regina Ontiveros Del Valle because she lied to her husband, Luis Del Valle that she was pregnant. Maribel woke up, saw one of the twins and decided to name her Sol, Sol Cantu and then Regina named the other twin Luna because her husband always loved that name, Luna Del Valle.

Chapter 2

The twins have been separated for 8 years without any notice. Fernando had already forgotten about Luna's actual mother and her twin sister but he hadn't forgot the fact that Luna has been kidnapped. The relationship between Luna and her dad was very good but... the relationship between Luna and her mom was nowhere near good. Luna has lived in a rich house, her family are rich, she has her own personal nanny named Macrina and her own personal driver Ofelio. In Sol's house, the relationship between her and her family is very good but Sol doesn't have a dad and always wonder how it's like to have one. Sol has lived in the pueblo, her family are not rich or poor they have enough money for school, food and everything, she sleeps with her mother and really loves animals. She loves everybody and everybody loves her.

Chapter  3

Their life is not the only ones that makes them different, Sol can sing but Luna can't. Sol and her family loves going to places and sing that they even made a family band name Sol y Sus Amigos. Luna always wanted to be a singer. She found an audittion in her city for members 14 yrs and under for a childrens band. Since she was 8 yrs old, she asked her dad, Luis if she can go, he said yes but Regina had to go with her. Regina and Luna are at the audittion in a recording studio called BM'S MUSICA and it was Luna's turn to sing. Luna sang a song but they did't liked but they decided to give her a chance because she was the first singer to audition in the band and didn't want to lose her since the audition is only for a month. They decided to give her voice lessons. There were 4 kids named Joaquin, Julieta, Jose and Alex who made it for the audition that loved her so much even Joaquin and Alex.

Chapter 4

Back at Sol, they were getting ready for the singing contest that they entered and Luna was done with her voice lessons and went home without Regina because she needed to go to a meeting with Fernando. Sol and her family went to the contest and decided to go and have fun until it's time for their performance meanwhile, Macrina wanted to take Luna to the pueblo so she asked Luis if she can take her. Luis said yes but to bring her back in 6:00 for dinner cause Regina will be mad if Luna skips dinner. Macrina told Ofelio to take them to the annual singing contest at the pueblo. They later made it to the singing contest but Luna did't want to get off and decided to wait for Macrina. A few minute later, Luna was hungry, she was wondering where Macrina was at so she got off and went in to find her. It was time for Sol and her band to get on stage. So they got on and sang "Sacame A Bailar"

Chapter 5

Luna was looking everywhere for Macrina but couldn't find her anywhere. Macrina went back to the limbo to go take Luna to a diner to get some food but saw no Luna and a sleepy driver. She wacked the driver with her purse and asked him where is Luna buthe doesn't know since Luna got off while he was sleeping. So Macrina went back to find Luna. Luna was still rying to find Macrina until she saw Sol, for the first time and realized that Sol looks exactly like her.

                                                                   END OF CAPITULO

                                                          Hope ya liked and enjoyed it


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2019 ⏰

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