The first crack in the window

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Screams rang through the Nash household as Guren jolted awake, another nightmare. The red head's purple eyes frantically searched the room, his bedroom, "W...Why me?". Tears streamed down the boy's cheeks as he quietly sobbed and remembered the dream, the most frequent, the most vivid. Blood splattering the walls, screams echoing throughout the basement, his tormentor's laughter. "Why...why does this happen me?" Guren's tears flowed like rapid rivers as heaving sobs wracked through his body not noticing his sleepover guests in the doorway. "Guren?" The voice of Toxsa ran through his ears, making him aware of the others around him, literally. "Y...Yeah?" Guren asked, tears still falling and soaking his pajama shirt, looking into Toxsa's hazelnut eyes with his own watery violet ones. "Guren, this is the seventh time this month that we slept over and you waking up in a cold sweat. You sure you don't want us to call someone?" Chooki asked, his emerald eyes sadly looking at his leader. "I'm sure, I'm fine *sniff* I'm ok" Guren said, forcing a smile despite the tears running like rivers from his eyes and down his cheeks. "Guren, we know you're lying. You're not fine, you're not ok. Your work is suffering from your nightmares" Gen said, his red eyes serious and saddened by the still crying leader. The only one he didn't look at...was Ceylan, the one that tormented his dreams. Now, Guren knew deep down in his heart that Ceylan was incapable of doing such a gruesome deed, but somewhere deep in his mind, he thought other wise and it didn't help make the dreams less vivid, his red rimmed violet eyes avoiding the bright sapphire ones of the blue haired male who was the closest to his bedside. The other males slept in Guren's room, again, to hopefully stop the nightmares from coming but little did they know, with that one nightmare came a small crack in Guren's mind, threatening to grow. The first crack in Guren's window soon came to be as his phyche slowly started to pluck apart. Soft whimpers and sobs continue to wrack Guren's shaking form before feeling a hand gently squeeze his own. "It's ok Guren, you're safe. You're ok" the soft, kind hearted voice of Ceylan whispered into his ear before a soft tune of humming filled it in, a lullaby that Guren's father taught the bluenette for whenever the red and black haired boy had extreme nightmares like this one. Guren, though hesitant, started to drift off at the sound and soon, he was out like a light. And luckily for him, no more nightmares came that night, thanks to the real Ceylan...well, until tomorrow night.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2019 ⏰

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