Frozen Lost

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 Read the A/N at the end of the chapter and I mean all of it. That is if you want a Sequel for this at some point.

reading notes
"This means talking."
*This means the person is thinking.*
(This means two or more people are talking through the Force.)

This takes place after Ahsoka leaves the Jedi Order and I mean right after she walks down the steps.



As Ahsoka was walking around Coruscant after leaving the Jedi Order. Even though she is nowhere near the Temple, she could still feel Anakin through there Force Bond. In fact, Anakin was talking to her through said bond, which was starting to get on her nerves. (Ashoka, at least stay with Senator Padme Amidala, Senator Riyo Chuchi... Lux Bonteri!)

The last one got on Ahsoka's last nerve. *Okay I maybe thought that Lux is cute but that doesn't mean I want to go out with him! I mean it's not like I want to run off and marry him or something! Oh grate Anakin is getting worried that I'm not talking back to him.*

(Snips! Snips! Snips!)

(Anakin! You're not my Master anymore so you can't tell me where I should...!")

When Ahsoka stop talking Anakin started to feel the disturbance that Ahsoka was feeling at that moment and started to run down the stares. (Ahsoka... Ahsoka what's wrong?!)

Ahsoka didn't want to worry him but she started to get worried and she knew that he felt it. Therefore it was too late and she had to tell him. ( I feel as if someone... Ahhh!)

Anakin felt Ahsoka's pain and started to Run faster to where he thinks Ahsoka is.

Meanwhile, the mysterious person who attacked Ahsoka was about to pick her up when out of nowhere Asajj Ventress jumped the person. Ventress knew that Ahsoka kept her end of the deal once her name was cleared and Ventress had a feeling that Ahsoka was going to leave the Order. So she was looking for her and see what Ahsoka wanted to do. Ventress was thinking of even helping the girl leave Coruscant if Ahsoka had a planet in mind. But when Ventress finally found Ahsoka she saw that someone attacked the girl. Ventress thought that it was someone that was working with Barriss Offee that wanted to get payback on Anakin and Ahsoka for finding out the truth. So Ventress tried to fight back but then person used the Force to push her as far away as they could which shocked Ventress. "What?!"

The person then picked up Ahsoka and ran, by the time Ventress got back up Anakin arrived and saw her. "Ventress?! What are you doing here?"

"I had a funny feeling that your former pet wasn't going to come back to the Order. So I thought I could find her and see what she planned on doing. If she was going to leave Coruscant I was going to offer her a ride. But then when I found her someone attacked her. She was out cold and I tried to help her thinking that it was someone who was working for Barriss. But at some point in the fight, the person used the Force to push me away and I hit a wall pretty hard. By the time I got up they were gone and you showed up."

At hearing this Anakin paled. "So someone got Ahsoka?"

Anakin tried to feel where Ahsoka was but couldn't anymore. "I can't feel her."

Ventress nodded her head. "I see... and whoever it was was that took her was either Count Dooku's assassin, another Jedi who was working with Barriss, or someone in the Jedi Order didn't like Ahsoka leaving the order or still think Ahsoka had some part in the bombing."

"What makes you think it wasn't Dooku himself."

"The person Force presence didn't feel like Dooku's I should know."

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