meetings and greetings

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Coming back to your hometown after years being away was hard. Especially when said town was so small that it was impossible to walk two steps without meeting someone you knew. Everyone who thought you weren't cut for the big city was looking at you with a smirk, and you could see they were barely holding themselves from saying I told you so. That wasn't it. You liked the big city, you liked the tall buildings, the lights, the restaurants, the parties and the loud noise everywhere. But sometimes you just need to go back to where you come from.

"Well look at that. Look who's finally decided we're good enough."

Seeing the face of the man you'd had a crush on since ninth grade wasn't surprising. In this small town it was impossible to avoid anyone for long, after all. What was surprising was seeing the changes in him. He had definitely grown from a boy to a man. When you had known him, he couldn't grow a beard if he tried, and going by his clothes, it seemed like some cash had flowed in during your time out of town.

"Hey, Fez. How've you been?"

"Same old shit. You know how it is. What about you, doctor?"

You tried to ignore the teasing tone to his words. You knew he resented you a little bit for leaving. Back then you were just a girl who didn't want to do anything wrong. A clean path to college, no drugs, no weird shit. Maybe you were a little bit conceited back in the day, no point in lying. Thank God you had grown out of that uptight mindset.

You shrugged. "It's alright. Family's okay, work's okay. Can't complain."

"Lucky you." You couldn't help but grimace. You knew his situation had never been very good, but you didn't know what else to say.

"So... Came by to buy something or just to see my handsome face?"

"If I wanted a handsome face, I would've gone somewhere else, love." He smiled, looking at his feet. He wanted to act all tough, but he couldn't keep the façade for long, not with you. He never could. "Just here to buy some gift for my niece. You got like a drawing book or something like that?"

He nodded and quickly grabbed one and put it in bag.

"How much?"

"Don't worry. Consider it a welcome home gift." You sighed, but you knew there was no point in arguing.


"It's good. You staying for long, then?"

"Wouldn't you like to know?" You loved to tease him. After all these years, it still felt natural. "As of now, I'm afraid you'll be seeing me around. I'll be working at the local hospital."

"For real?" Even if he tried, he couldn't hide the smile that split his face. "I've actually been having these headaches, will have to drop by the hospital."

"Have you tried not smoking weed?" He laughed, and god you had missed this.

"Good point."

You dug around your bag looking for pen and paper and quickly scribbled down your phone number.

"Here." You gave him the paper with your number on it.

"Sweetheart, not even half an hour and I already got your number?"

"Don't get any ideas. Just in case one of your clients OD's, you know who to call."

He smiled, and it was so sweet you couldn't tear your eyes from him.

"Might use this for other reasons." He said, holding the paper in his hand, shit-eating grin on his face.

"Well, give it a try. See what happens." You winked at him and left the store going straight to your car. You couldn't see his face, but you could just imagine his smiling face behind you. Maybe coming back wasn't going to be that bad.

old flame; fezco (euphoria)Where stories live. Discover now