already there, boyfriend, pissed off, the note, steal the JEEP, to the gym

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I was here anyway don’t worry and my boyfriend hit Benny with a door my accident and well I came in since Benny decided to steal my boyfriends shoe and well he’s got a little bloody nose,I said.She shook her head handing me a cloth for Benny’s nose.I got back down on my knees and I held the cloth to Benny’s nose.Finally after a few minutes the blood stopped and all was good.I stood up said good bye to Mrs.Stewart and Benny and Mrs.Stewart handed me a card if I ever need a job they would gladly take me on as a permanent sitter for Benny.I smiled and I walked back out to where Zayn was standing I threw his shoe at his head.

What was that for,he asked.I shook my head and I took off toward the JEEP.

Come on lets go before were late you ass,I snapped jumping in the JEEP taking off toward the restaurant.

(2 hours later) 

After we finished eating we headed back the hotel.Everyone went off to sleep even Zayn.I on the other hand grabbed some clean gym clothes stuffed them in my bag with my boxing gloves, then I took the keys from the island in the kitchen and I left this note behind in it’s place.


Well after you all passed out at like midnight last night I took the JEEP yeah I know bad move but well too late and well I went back to the gym I need to clear my mind and no I won’t be back any time soon I’m going to get myself a job babysitting the little boy from yesterday cause I used to babysit him and I was offered the job so I’ll be gone call me if you need me if not don’t I’m frustrated right now, which in girl language means I’m pissed off so don’t bother to call me at all and I just need to hit the punching bag alright I’m not really sorry about leaving.I don’t get you boys at times.Oh shit fucking tears.And I’m not mad at all of you I’m just mad at Zayn so just don’t talk to me Zayn alright you pissed me off and I’m not in the mood to explain.

-Unfortunately Julia 

P.S Sorry for the tear stains I just I don’t know right please don’t call I’m not ready to talk when I am I’ll call okay. 

I then stepped out of the hotel and into the crisp air.I walked over to the JEEP and climbed in sitting there a minute to think.I couldn’t handle myself right now soon enough the tears began to flow.I need to just hit the bag hit something anything I could.

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