𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐢𝐯𝐞

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Sage and Felix never did get to celebrate their victory. This was mostly because the Cullens were proven innocent, and the Volturi had no business with them after that fact so there wasn't anything to celebrate; but, also—Sage had been locked away in a dungeon for almost three months.

It was a wonder that she didn't petrify herself in the catacombs; she had sat still for most of the long days to encounter the problem of being secluded from her people.

But now, even though she was exiled from Italy, from the Volturi and the only coven she knew, she realized how much she would miss those things. Sage would miss those adventures with Felix; she would miss the fact that he wouldn't come into her room anymore and sit with her for hours on end, staring at the dark and blank ceiling and enjoying each other's presences; she would miss the fact that he was the only one who allowed her to keep things lighthearted, that his lack of care for everything was truly one of the only things that helped the centuries become a bearable prison rather than a searing hell.

Felix walked her to the gate. No one else gave Sage their farewells, which was well enough—the only other guard that Sage tolerated was Felix. Jane was a complete psycho, Demetri hated her very existence, and Alec either wished to kill her or court her. It was better off that they remained far away from her.

Felix had always been different. He was a heartless monster, and he did kill, that was true. He did hate Sage, when he was first turned and there was someone who was as strong as him already in existence. However, he also was the only one who attempted to speak with her, the only one who sought her out and included her in a life that she never truly experienced.

Perhaps that was because he was a lesser guard, and he needed someone to protect him should he require it. He was needed, Sage knew this, but strength was findable anywhere; Felix was not special. Aro had made that known when he changed him. Maybe that is why he formed connections with one of Aro's closest guards—for security.

Sage didn't like to think about it. There was no point. The bottom line was, Felix befriended her, and he was the closest thing to a companion that she had.

And now she was leaving.

It wasn't sadness that burned through her as they stopped at the border of Volterra, but it felt like something similar to it. Sage stopped in her steps, turning towards Felix, who had carried what little items she had with him. He took the bag off his back and threw it towards her. She caught it, letting it fall beneath her cloak and into the shadows.

"Well," he said, "I suppose this is farewell."

"Yes," Sage agreed, taking a step away from him, "I suppose it is."

Felix remained standing where he was almost like he couldn't physically move from his position. "Do enjoy your life, little one."

"I will," Sage whispered, and something about it hurt her more than Jane's gift ever could. Though she didn't, her feet yearned to take her forward and step into his arms. It was a desire that she should not have had, but one that drifted through her anyway. She did not act on it, only stared at Felix for a moment. He seemed eager for her to leave, and that stung more than it should have.

𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐧 𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐬. sam uleyWhere stories live. Discover now