𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧

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Carlisle showed her to a room on the top floor on the first night, a room that used to be Edward's. Sage denied it at first--she didn't want to take something away from Edward, especially his room--but Carlisle dissolved her concerns, saying something about how Edward had his own home now. He lived with his mate Bella and their daughter Reneesme. It was okay for her to take his old room.

So, Sage occupied his room now.

On the first night, Sage sat sturdy on the bed that was in the room. She watched the sun set and the moon rise and did not speak to anyone. It felt too natural to succumb to herself, to isolate herself away for a moment where she could feel like she could breathe again. It was the first moment she had to herself since leaving the castle.

And Edward's room was nice for isolating. Spacious and white, it let sunlight in, but not enough to where Sage's skin glittered from the luminescent rays. There was a record player located in the right corner, right by the window, that Sage played softly during the day, the classical (as Emmett informed her) music soothing to her.

On the second day, she sat on the windowsill, listening to music, and this led to the third day then the fourth, and soon enough, Sage had been there for over a week, and she was feeling it.

Every other day, Bella and Edward came over with their daughter Reneesme and even though Esme (or Alice) always invited her downstairs to socialize, to integrate herself into the new life Carlisle was carving for her, Sage had declined. Not only was it the hybrid and her two parents that visited, but the wolves as well. Four heartbeats, three voices she knew, and one that she didn't; Sage didn't know if she could handle that, even though the pull in her stomach compelled her to find Elis each time he spoke.

But Elis himself was a different story. Carlisle had come in to visit Sage multiple times, and each time, Sage saw Elis entering or exiting his room. Each time, his gaze met hers, and each time, Sage saw just how little he wanted her there. His eyes were hard as a topaz gem, his frown so prominent that Sage could see wrinkles. He really didn't want her staying with them.

That planted a deep seed of apprehension in Sage's stomach. Many times, she debated if staying with them was a good idea. If being around the one person who hurt her the most was detrimental or healing. It didn't seem like the best option, especially taking in the fact that she killed Irina and was against the entire coven during the trial.

At least there was Seth.

He had been a kindred spirit ever since Sage arrived. Though he didn't visit her all the time, there were days where he found himself upstairs in her room, greeting her with vigor and jubilance that Sage believed she didn't deserve. He always made sure to stay for an hour or two if only to show her records that he loved or listen to Edward's old ones while they talked.

Sage grinned as he knocked on her door early in the morning on the ninth day, entering and sitting himself down on the bed before she had the chance to greet him. His teeth gleamed white in the morning sun, almost as reflective as her skin as he beamed at her.

𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐧 𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐬. sam uleyWhere stories live. Discover now