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3rd P.O.V

Kaito watched her almost lifeless body on the hospital bed. The slight raise of her chest indicate that she's breathing. He held her hand and kissed it.

"Please wake up Desi" He muttered. He could have avoided this he thought I should have told her the truth already. You aren't in this world alone Desi. He finally found her after all these years and now shes lying here, unconscious.

The door opened, and Tia and Mauri walked in. Kaito wiped the tear from his cheek. His face was red, and his eyes were bloodshot.

"She still ain't woke up yet?" Mauri asked as she sat on the opposite side of the bed across from Kaito.Mauri place the food they've brought on the table and sat down beside Tia.

"She'll wake up," Tia said, ''You.Shower.ASAP." She then said, pointing at Kaito.

"But-" He said softly.

"Don't worry we'll be here in case she wakes up," Tia said.

He gave Desiree's hand a gentle squeeze then kissed her on her forehead and walked out.

''You think she'll wake up'' Mauri asked softly while biting on her nails.

''Of COURSE!'' Tia shouted, loudly, then she talked softly, ''She has to, She's a fighter''

1 Month Passed

They all sat around Desi, as she lay unconsciously on the hospital bed, Her finger twitched slowly.

''Did you see that?'' Kaito said as he draws closer to her holding her small hands in his.

''What?'' Tia questioned.

''She moved her finger'' He whispered, smiling even though it wasn't much even if it was slightly faint he saw it, and that gave him hope, his Kkoch (Fower) is fighting.

''Are you sure?'' Tia said.

''Yes I saw her jenjang! (Dammit)'' he said louder.

''Okay damn calm down who hurt you?'' Tia said.

Kaito laid on the bed to Desiree's right laying on his hands looking at her. Desiree's finger twitched again, this time her eyelash fluttered at the bright light in the ceiling, she scrunched up her eyebrows and slowly open her eyes. Looking to her right, her dark brown eyes connected with dark black ones that appear as if he was crying, the tattoo decorated his clear fair skin perfectly, his hair looked messy, with stray strands dangling over his above his eyes.

 Looking to her right, her dark brown eyes connected with dark black ones that appear as if he was crying, the tattoo decorated his clear fair skin perfectly, his hair looked messy, with stray strands dangling over his above his eyes

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''Kai'' She whispered softly, as the tears spill out of her eyes. She blames herself for forgetting about him. The one thing that mattered in her life after her brother died. He was the single opium to keep away the bad memories. She looked at him as the tear streamed down her cheeks. 

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