{Chapter 1}

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Today was the day that Tarn and the others were supposed to return from doing business elsewhere and Chaos couldn't be any happier. While his father had been gone, he'd been practicing all the techniques he was taught so that he could impress him when he returned. Although his mother, Nickel, didn't exactly approve of what he was doing, he still did it anyways.

Unknown to everyone but himself, Chaos wanted to learn all he could about fighting and defending because he wanted to protect his sister, Tyranny, from any harm. Not only that, but it was his absolute goal to impress his father and grow up to be strong like him so he could protect his family too. Yes, one could say he was quite overprotective over his sister and his family, but his spark was in the right place.

While he waited, Chaos kept practicing with the toy sword that Tarn had given him. He wasn't old enough to handle a gun of any sort or any other weapon for that matter, so he just stuck with his sword. Tyranny was busy learning certain medical things with their mother, so that left him on his own as he practiced outside of the ship. As he performed a complex set of swings and slashes, he thought he heard something off to his right and he paused. The young mech tilted his head and stared off in the direction he heard the noise, his spark beating a little quicker with each passing minute. Was it his father and the others returning?

"Dad?" Chaos called, carrying his sword with him as he went to investigate. He knew he shouldn't be doing this alone, but his curiosity overwhelmed him. Besides, they were in a safe spot. Right?

The youngling heard the noise again and was convinced that it was his father returning to the ship. A small smile appeared on his face when he thought about showing Tarn all of the cool moves he had practiced while he was gone.

Chaos headed over to a large rock and peered behind it, his golden optics widening at what he saw. Nothing. He could've sworn he heard something coming from behind here! He sighed in disappointment and went to turn around when he felt something like a strong hand wrap around his torso and lift him up in a flash.

"Hey, kid. Whatcha doin' out here?"


Meanwhile, as Nickel taught her daughter a few tricks about medicine, a shrill scream tore through the peaceful atmosphere. Nickel immediately stopped what she was doing, her optics widened as she looked up. "Chaos!"

Tyranny looked up at her mother before taking off down the hall toward the open door of the ship, following her brother's screams. She eventually skidded to a stop when she spotted a slender blue mech holding her brother in his claws. Or were they pinchers...? Never mind that, there wasn't time to think logically! "Hey you! Let my brother go!" She yelled, putting on the meanest look she could muster as she tried to look intimidating.

The slender mech looked up from the little mech in his left claw and turned towards Tyranny, his single yellow optic blinking a few times. "Ah, I should've known. When ya find one little rascal, there's always another one not far behind." He snickered, refusing to loosen his grip on Chaos as he approached Tyranny. "What are you kiddos doin' with the big bad DJD?" Said mech winced when Chaos stabbed at his claw with his toy sword and he easily snatched it from the youngling, tossing it away. "Hey, cool your jets squirt or I'll squish ya."

::Whirl! You will not squish anyone! You're there to save them, remember?:: A strange voice shouted loudly through Whirl's comn link, echoing across the empty plateau of rocks and dirt.

Whirl rolled his optic and groaned. "Ugh, fiiiine... You're lucky the DJD creeps aren't home...." He muttered, keeping a good grip on Chaos while he reached for Tyranny. "C'mere, kid."

Tyranny shrieked and scrambled backwards, her mind racing while she thought of a way to save Chaos from the mech named Whirl. As she dodged Whirl's claw left and right, she prayed that either her mother or father would get here in time to stop this stranger from taking both her and her brother from their home. "No! Leave me alone!" She screamed, trying to run away when Whirl was finally able to grab her with his free claw.

"Primus, you two are such loudmouths! I'm savin' ya from certain death, which is no doubt on its way right now as we speak..." Whirl mumbled, glancing around before taking off away from the DJD ship. "What a break! Waltzing right up to ol' Tarn's homey home and completing the mission in record time!"

::Shut up and get your aft back to the ship before Tarn comes back and figures out we've taken his little prisoners or whatever they are!::

"Y'know, they almost look like his ki-"


"Yeesh... tryin' not to go deaf here, Rodimus."


So the babs are a little older in this, just thought I'd mention it. Chaos would be the equivalent of a human 9 year old and Tyranny would probably be the equivalent of a human 13 year old.

Anyways, she's older than Chaos and that's all you need to know lol.

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