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Jay has always been known for being a smooth, coordinated flirt. He's been doing parkour since he's been able to walk, and every person he flirts with, male or female, falls for him eventually. So why is it that he can't seem to keep his cool around a certain freckled boy?

"You are so crushing on him," Mal smirks as she and Evie walk with Jay to class.

"I am not!" Jay scowls.

"Are too."

"Are not."

This continued until the blue haired princess pipes up. "Oh hi Carlos."

Jay blushes and trips over his own feet, trying to turn and look where Evie is looking.

Both girls burst out laughing as Jay glares at them, Carlos no where nearby. "Still think you don't like him?" Mal asks teasingly. "Then explain why you're the color of a fire hydrant."

"Ha ha, very funny," Jay mutters as he brushes himself off.

They finally get to class and claim their seats in the back. "So, if I did like Carlos, which I'm not saying I do or anything… What should I do?"

"Ask him out." They reply in unison.

"What if he says no? I mean, he's never shown any interest in me, maybe he likes someone else, like that Jane girl or-"

"Hi Carlos."

"Very funny E, but I'm not falling for that twice in one day. Okay, so let's say I do ask Carlos out, what would we do? Should I bring him flowers?"

"Personally I think chocolates are the way to go." A voice pipes up from behind Jay.

Jay freezes and slowly turns to look at the pale boy. Carlos is grinning at Jay like the Cheshire Cat as he takes his seat beside him. Jay tries to stutter out a lie like he always would, but his words kept getting stuck in his throat. Since when did his lips get in the way so much?

Carlos giggles and kisses Jay's cheek, successfully shutting him up. "Eight o'clock, Friday night, you, me, pizza at Mrs. Potts tea house."

Jay stares at him in a stunned silence before grinning. "Anything you say."

"Finally," two female voices sigh behind them.

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