Where Did He Come From?

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Hey guys, its me your friendly neibourhood awsomeness.

So tell me what you think and if i get say 30 fans, votes and comments then i will do a second one.

Love you's.


BANG!! My head snapped left and my frail malnourished body hit the hardwood floor.

'Lauren, you bitch can't you do anything right?'

Slam- his foot connected with my stomach and I heard a sickening crack before unbearable pain flooded trough my body; still I refused to give him the satisfaction of crying out.

'Maybe I should show you what happens to little girls who disobey their orders.'

Robert picks me up by my long blond hair and pushes me onto the wall before his fist connects with my face. My head spun with pain as the darkness overtook my vision.


I opened my eyes as the dream haunted me for the hundredth time since the event. I looked around the classroom as the last of the class was trickling in. These sleepless nights are really taking its toll on me.

'Hi I'm Josh Anderson and you are .....'

I looked to my left and sitting there was a guy whom I have never seen before. I am guessing he is new because... well... he is sitting next to me and talking, no one has done that before. He had soft brown hair that was in a short croppy style and green eyes. He has obviously chiselled abbs that were behind a tight white T-shirt and he had black jeans and a black leather jacket.

'WOW I have already made a friend yay.'

I frowned at the sarcasm and sadness that was obvious in his voice.

'OK I'm sorry. Hi I'm Lauren,' as I said that his face lit up like a Christmas tree.

For those few moments of the introduction all the pain disappeared and I forgot about my past and the things I have had to endure. For the rest of the class I felt whole again, which was very rare. We talked about random things and played twenty questions. It was the most fun I have ever has since I was ten. To my dismay I didn't have Josh in any of my other classes except for Study Hall and Lunch. When I was with him I feel a sense of security which does not come often. Sure, I have a dark past but I'm hoping that will change with time.

On my way home I had my iPod in my ears blasting my favourite band, Black Veil Brides, when a car pulled up alongside of me. To my left was the most awesome car in history. A 1967 Black Chevy Impala, My jaw just dropped and who you may ask was driving this beauty? JOSH ANDERSON!! Holy Shit I thought to myself as he got out of the car this guy must be famous or his mommy and daddy are rich as he came around the side of the car with a smirk across his face. I realised that I had to turn around and get home before my dad does or I will be in serious trouble and I knew it. I start walking down the trail as a hand grabbed my arm so I spun around and it was Josh. Damm I forgot about him. 'Do you want a lift home?' he asked shyly

'No', I quickly commented and sheer disappointment showed on his face.

'Why you don't trust me?' he stated and my heart began to quicken with worry that I won't get home soon.

'No it's just that ... it's an um... Nice day and...' even with my reasoning I knew he wouldn't take no for an answer but I tried anyways.

'Yeah right come on.' he pushed me in the car and locked the doors once he got in and started it.

The car roared to life and I instantly smiled. I love engines, anything about cars and even motorbikes but my father would not allow me to even touch his car even to fix it when I offered. I got a backhand to the face for it and told that bitch like me belonged in a rotting cell.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2013 ⏰

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