Chapter 1: i see her

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I see her again. She grinds herself up and down men to get their satisfaction so they can say things she wants to hear.

She would order the same thing all the time. JD with coke. She didn't notice all the little things I would do for her like giving her the cleanest glass and making sure o measure out the quantities of coke and Jack Daniels to the way she liked it. but then again I can't blame her. These things are probably just too little to see.

The music in the club was raging and everyone was sweating and kept ordering drinks so we were pretty busy.

Then she comes along.

I make sure that I'm the first to get to her. I already have her drink ready and she looked at the glass with a small smile on her face. this one was genuine. you could just tell.

It was way different to the flirtatious ones she gave to other guys.

She put down a $10 bill and I got her, her change. when I turned around I find her over there, near a booth, talking to some buff guys.

It was quite a lot of change so I hopped over the bar and walked to her. My hand was slightly sweating and was shaking from the nervousness.

I tapped we on the shoulder and she turned around. I choked for a second from the nerves before I cleared my throat before saying loudly so she could hear me.

"You left your change" I said.

"What?" she shouted back as she continued to bounce on the balls of her feet.

I leaned in closer and said in her ear, but not as loud.

"You left your change!" I repeated. she smiled and looked down at my hand.

"You keep it. Think of it as a tip" she said smiling at me when she turned around.

I pocketed the change slowly as a small smile came to my face. I then walked back to the bar and served other people as I kept glancing over at her.

I kinda hoped I would catch her staring at me, but I never did. I couldn't blame her. I wasn't the type of guy you would normally go for. I was 6 foot, sure but that was it. I wore glasses normally, but had contacts to try and make myself look better. I try to hit the gym but I usually forget. I'm not that muscled like other guys. I only have a little bit. I had brown hair and boring green eyes, that were so dark that they looked brown which is really weird. I go to college and study English literature and I haven't lost my virginity or had my first kiss, let alone my first girlfriend. I was always afraid of rejection so I guess I just never tried. The only time I did was to ask out Cindy Trew in 4th grade and even then she still rejected me.

So I guess I'm kind of like a telescope. Seeing what you've always wanted but never being actually close enough to get it.

I serve my last customer score I go on break and I head into the back alley with some chips and a coke.

I munched on the prawn cocktail flavoured chips and opened up the can and took a sip before setting it upon the lid of the bin.

It wasn't the nicest place to take a break but I can't really complain. Some people might not even get breaks.

I heard the door open as I took another sip of the coke and I saw the girl. She came outside, with her blonde hair whipping an her blue eyes glistening. It kinda looked like she had been crying.

She took a cigarette out of her pocket, and I'm pretty sure she is not supposed to be smoking.

She lit the light like a pro and looked around while she took a puff.

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