Game night.
There is no fucking around on game night.Game night is the one event where the admins (at least the human ones) can gather around and finally have something they can't predict happen.
There is, quite literally, no telling what will happen in game night.
In this case, Weissman gathered the only chums he could gather in this eternal void called "work"; Maddox and Mike, to play one of their more serious games: Operation.
"I'm quite dumbfounded why we have not updated our stock of entertainment from Mattel games, Mr. Weissman. These games seem rather... uncivilized, perhaps?" Whispered Maddox, while Mike attempted to slowly pull out one of the pieces from the board.
"Firsly, this is HASBRO. The SUPERIOR games provider. Secondly, I will fucking chuck you into Cygnus X-1 if you even SUGGEST of playing motherfucking chess again, you nerd."
"I'm just saying that-"
"Could you two ladies shut the fuck up?" Politely inquired Mike with a hand on his forehead. As he was about to continue, the game rung a buzzer as a piece touched the border of a wound. "Shit."
"You posses some abhorrent dexterity, Mr. Ball." Chuckled Maddox.
"Well if you think you're such hot shit, Mr. Employee of the Eon, have a go at it." Shot back Mike, sliding the board to him.
"Perhaps I will, sir, perhaps I will! After all, back in the Em-" He replied, sticking his tongue out.
"Woah woah hey..." Interruped Weissman, pausing for a couple of seconds before summoning his reflectioning drink: Bourbon on the rocks. "Employee of the eon?"
"Oh come on Weiss, you've been slacking off. He's been working his ass off, it was gonna happen.." Answered Mike.
Maddox shot him a cheeky grin. "What? Are you jelly, broham? Are you triggered, liberal? Are you salty, kid? A-"
Mike lifted a finger. "You have no idea what any of those mean, do you, nerd?"
"Bullshit." Said Weissman with a sip of bourbon. "No way the nerd got the title."
"You better believe it, man." Grinned Mike, summoning a lit cigarette before taking a puff. "If you don't believe me or the nerd, check with the bossman."
"Alright, maybe I will."
"The do it."
"Then I will, Ball."
"Do it, bitch boy."
"I will."
"...Weiss, ain't you gonna go?"
"Eeeeeeh, one more round. Game's fun"
"Fair enough."