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hey! just a few disclaimers from the author, added long after this book had been finished :)

1. i no longer support brendon after everything about him surfaced/resurfaced. this was written before that. please don't comment asking what happened, it's annoying. google is free.

2. this was my first real book, so please excuse any inconsistencies or bad writing. not to discourage any future readers, however, because it does improve as the book progresses

3. !! gore and violence warning !! there will be specific trigger warnings beforehand for graphic sections or other things


Another body has been discovered, and it looks like the work of the Cutthroat Killer, once again. Now, this is the 4th body in the last three weeks-" The TV screen goes black. The young man holding the remote sighs, and gets up from the couch. "4th one you fuckers have found.. just you wait." he scoffs. He checks the clock. 11 pm. Perfect. Grabbing a dark jacket, he heads outside, locking the door behind him.

"Hey baby.." The brunette says smoothly. "Whats your name?" He asks, even though he already knew it. He also knew her shifts, thats why he came out tonight. He'd been planning this one for a couple days. "Hey handsome. The names' Cherry." The blond, curvy woman replies, bending over to see through the window, also effectively showing off her breasts to her potential client. "How much?" "40 an hour." "Hop in babygirl." He gives her a charming, irresistable smile. She opens the car door and sits herself down in the passenger seat.
The car is filled with a comfortable silence as the two drive down the long, unfamilar stretch of road. "So, you heard about that guy on the news?" Cherry asks. "Which one?" He asks in fake oblivion. "The cutthroat killer." "Ohh yeah, i did see that. Who do you think it is?" "Oh gosh, i dont know. But one of the other girls, Amber, said her friend Lola got in the car with this guy and never came back. I cant remember the name but Amber said it started with a D." "Dallon?" He asks. "Yes! Thats it! How did you know?" She gapes at him. "Its complicated." He mutters before pulling out a crobar. Cherry screams and trys to open the car door, with no success. The piece of steel collides with her head, knocking her unconcious instantly. Blood begins to drip out of the semi-deep wound. Dallon pulls over on the dark, abandonded dirt road, leaving the car without turning it off. He walks around to the passengers side and opens the door. The young prostitutes body almost falls out, but shes caught by her killer.

He drags the woman out into the overgrown field, where he lays her down and sits on her stomach, trapping her. A few moments later she slowly regains conciousness and when her eyes are fully open, she screams loudly. "Please, please dont do this! If you let me go i wont tell anyone!" She begs. Dallon rolls his eyes and puts a hand over her mouth, while the other hand reaches into his pocket. He pulls out an 8 inch silver pocketknife, the handle stained with blood. Cherry's blue eyes widen at the sight. "Such a shame. You are quiet beautiful.." He says before resting the knife against the tan skin of her neck. He presses. Hard. He watches her eyes get wide and tear up and he can see the pain, the suffering in the blue pools. Her muffled wails get louder and louder as the blade buries into her neck, slding across it. Dark red liquid spurts out and lands on both of them, and the grass. Finally she ceases struggling, her screams stop and she goes completely limp. Dallon grabs her jaw and forces it open, revealing her perfect white teeth. He takes out a small pair of pliers and starts to one by one, remove her teeth. A solid, wet ripping sound comes from each tooth. It sounds beautiful to the killer. Next he moves onto her fingers, taking note of the pale pink acryllic nails she had. The tall man makes quick work of slicing the skin of her finger tips off, removing her prints. He sits back, panting, admiring his work.

Finally, he removes her clothes, a black crop top and a denim jacket, along with a white skirt, fishnets and black stillettos. And of course, her lace lingerie. He stashes all of this in the trunk of his car, careful not to leave anything behind.

heyo. new book. exciting, isnt it. i do not have a publishing schedule yet, but ill try to make it weekly. my joshler updates may slow down a bit, though i have a few chapters in the works and another book coming soon, so stay tuned. or dont. either one. chapter lengths will vary, and i may do a few character asks, so thats fun.

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