Chapter 21 (The Day After)

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I woke up alone in a bamboo room. The bed was made out of bamboo sticks but it had a comfy mattress. The windows were open but a translucent white thin curtain blocked the light. There was a door that was also made out of bamboo next to it is a white closet. Then the bed. I looked down to see myself. I was still in my cat costume but my head hurts so bad. I stood up and tried to look for my purse but I couldn't find it. I walked out and saw Niall on the bench outside. He was still wearing his dog costume. I looked at him but didn't say anything. I continued to walk to try to look for my friends, Niall finally saw me so he finally called.


"What?" I asked

He pulled me into a hug but I didn't receive it.

"I was worried sick" he whispered

"Why should you?" I asked

"I don't know what Chris could've done to you or what he did." He answered

"Why are you so concerned?" I asked

"Well you're my girlfriend" he answered

"What makes you think that we're still together?" I asked him pushing him back

"Well I don't suppose you meant that. You were angry." He answered

"Well you should've thought about that before you cheated" I said

"You didn't let me explain" he said pulling me

"Explain yourself then" I demanded

"Mahalia drugged me" he said

"What?" I asked in surprise I think I didn't hear him right

"Mahalia drugged me and I thought you were her" he said

"Then why are you going out with her?" I asked

"Going out with who? Mahalia?" He asked

"Yes" I answered

"I'm not. She tried to seduce me but I refused because you were here and I still love you" Niall explained


"You-you do?" I asked

"Of course babe. My feelings for you never changed well it did" he answered

"It did?" I asked

"Yes. It grew more." He answered

Awwwwwwwww!!!!! My heart is doing leaps and butterflies are filling my stomach. I can also feel my cheeks turning to tomatoes.

Niall gave me a hug and kissed my cheek.

"What happened last night?" I asked

"Chris was taking advantage of you. I think he drugged you as well. But I stopped him." He explained "I wouldn't let anyone touch my girl"


I hugged Niall and kissed him. Oh how I missed him.

Harry came out of no where.

"Have you seen Chelsea?" He asked me

"No" I said

"I need to talk to her" he said

"Call her" I suggested

"I can't contact her. She doesn't answer it." He said

"Harry you need to decide which one you like though" I said

Niall nodded.

"I have decided" he said

"Who is it then?" I asked

"I chose -"

"ANGEL!!" I recognised Chelsea's voice

"Chels we're here" I called her

Chelsea was wearing her imitation of Ginny Weasley.

"Am I late for the partaaay?" She asked in a high pitched voice

"Not yet" I laughed

"You're a wizard, Harry" she said in the voice of Hagrid

We started laughing at her remark.

"So Harry as you were saying?" I asked

"Chelsea, I've decided" he said holding Chelsea's hand

"I choose you" he whispered

"Pokemon?" Chelsea said laughing

"No seriously Chels. I think I love you." Harry said

Chelsea blushed. Her face turned red and she shrugged her copper hair off her shoulder. Aww she's so timid.

"But how about Megan?" She asked

"She's with Justin now plus I vaguely had feelings for her" he answered

"But you-you said" she stutters

"I know what I said" he replies

Harry comes near Chelsea and with his index finger, middle finger and thumb he holds Chelsea chin. Chelsea's face filled with redness once more. Harry goes near to kiss Chelsea.

"I think we ought to make a move. See you later." Niall said

I waved goodbye at them and started walking with Niall. He held my hand and went near me.

"Oh how I missed you" he whispered

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