Two Best Friends, One Horrific Story

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It was me and Emma, until the day she was taken...

"Emma we need to go to the park to pick up my brother" "Why cant your dad do it?" "He's at work" "Fine but im taking your bike Rose." "Fine!"

My little brother was on the merry-go-round "I just going on the swing." Emma raced over to the swing and started playing on it. " Can Emma take me home sis, please" "Ok" John speeded walked over to Emma and they started pushing each other. I started going home and.... It went black.

I woke up on a street that i never saw before. I looked left and i found a table with a piece of paper and a map and a bottle. The piece of paper read: Take this drink its called Tritenro and take the map it marks where you are. I looked carefully a the bottle of Tritenro "It looks like a drug. But ill take it" then i picked up the map "hmmm i just need to go down Utine street and take a left and ill be right home."

I arrived home to see John in the corner crying. "Emma, someone took her, shes gone" I was shocked, someone just took Emma in broad daylight. "Do you know who took her" "No" i walked out side and started yelling out for Emma "Emma! Emma! Emma!"

"It was 4:15 she was wearing a dark green jacket, her jeans were black, her shirt was light gray and she wore a purple beanie and black heels." "So Emma went missing in broad daylight, do you think that Kid Killer got her?" "YES! I think HE took her" "Ok, do you want to know a bit more about HIM?" "Yes please" i wiped a tear off my face "Well what we know so far is on this sheet of paper, so you can read it whenever you want."

When i got home i went strait to bed and started reading it

He takes children from public in broad daylight and keeps them for 5 days and kills them.

"She she's gonna die." I sat there and looked at the bottle of Tritenro and I took a sip and my fears of HIM taking me disappeared just like Emma. I went downstairs and it happened again. I woke up on the same street and the table was still there except it had a watch and a note and a plug-in for my phone which was in my pocket. This time the note said

To save your friend you must complete 10"trials". The first one is on the


I inserted the plug in and a female voice came on "You must go to the highway and ride the opposite way than the traffic and you'll be given your first clue" I thought i could end up killing someone, i might even die but its my BFF and i would do anything. I got up and went to the garage and hoped on my bike and headed for the highway. "I have to do this" I started riding in the opposite direction than the traffic. I started turning right and left to avoid cars "4 more km to go" "3 more km to go" "2 more" "1 more" I was to busy listening that the mirror for a car hit causing me to skid of the road. I had scars and bruises everywhere and i was only 10." 10 meters to go" said the gps. I got up and ran "ON THE ROAD" yelled the voice so i hoped on the road sadly my wounds hurt real bad so it was hard to run. "Destination reached please press the screen" i tapped the screen "inside the GPS" I broke open the GPS to see the same plug-in

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2012 ⏰

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